Organizer for Housing Justice (Hamilton, Ontario)

Posted November 22, 2021

ACORN Hamilton is looking for motivated individuals interested in learning how to be a community organizer. No experience is required, just a passion for social justice and an eagerness to work directly with people in communities that want change!

About ACORN:

Since 2004, ACORN community organizers have been helping organize communities and secure important victories for low income and working class households at the local, provincial and national levels. Victories like new municipal bylaws to address disrepair in rental housing, regulating payday loan companies, expanding the Tenant Defense Fund to cover renoviction, $10/month internet for low income families, and many more.

ACORN makes change through people power. We believe that social and economic justice can best be achieved with a national active membership who are invested in their organization and focused on building power for change!

ACORN is a union in the community. Like any union or association, membership decides the drives of the organization, while determining that the vast majority of our resources go towards organizing door to door, block to block, and city to city.

About Community Organizing:

Community organizers manage campaigns on priority issues determined by our membership. As an ACORN organizer you can work on hyper-local issues like fighting for repairs in a bad apartment building, or organizing tenants against renoviction!

At the same time that we’re organizing on immediate issues to improve the daily lives of our membership, we are also running campaigns demanding structural and systemic change to address the root causes of many of our members’ key issues.

In order to run a successful campaign you need to build your group (there’s power in numbers!). That’s why field work is an important part of organizers’ schedule so we can engage more people into the organization to fight for change.

Organizing also includes cultivating new community leaders, door knocking, phone outreach, fundraising, organizing virtual meetings, organizing actions/protests, communications/public relations, developing campaigns, and most of all listening to the people in the communities we organize in.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • A leader who is willing to work independently in a grassroots setting
  • Willing to handle challenging and rewarding work to help our membership grow to be strong and active leaders
  • Must be willing to work field hours between 12PM and 9PM as we organize predominately when many people are at home
  • Passionate about social justice and eager to participate in direct action on issues decided by ACORN’s current community leaders

Location: ACORN Hamilton’s office is located at 56 Mulberry Street in downtown Hamilton.

Hours & salary:
– Hourly range $15.00 – $16.40 
– Full time hours Monday to Friday 
– Health benefits, sick days, vacation, RRSP after probation 

How to apply: Email your resume and cover letter to