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Leaders - ACORN Canada


ACORN is owned by its members


ACORN Leaders. They direct and guide a group by being out in front. But equally important is creating space for new leaders to emerge! Shared leadership is functional leadership. While good leaders may be totally committed to building rank-and-file participation and ownership, their primary role is to help the group grow, resolve conflict,  lead by example and achieve its goals.  ACORN wins campaigns by having power which means having as many members and leaders as possible!


ACORN Organizers. Support members to take the lead, continuously locating new blood to invigorate and democratize the organization.


A Leader can be an Organizer, but an Organizer cannot be a Leader


Power to the People. ACORN is governed by a national board of its members. The national board is made up of two member elected representatives from each province that has at least three chapters. Each chapter needs to have 10 full dues-paying members to elect a local board.


Get to know some of the leaders of local ACORN chapters.

Get to Know our Leaders

Alejandra Ruiz Vargas

ACORN Canada President

Alejandra is a housing worker originally from Colombia who has been involved with ACORN since 2015. She has led meetings and actions on issues such as. childcare, remittances, and employment insurance reform but her passion and advocacy on affordable housing, tenant rights and state of good repair issues is her passion.

Lisa Hayhurst

ACORN Canada Secretary

Lisa brings her experience helping lead Nova Scotia ACORN’s successful Rent Control Now campaign to the ACORN Canada national board, where she sits as a Nova Scotia rep. Lisa is currently focussed on winning a landlord licensing system in the Halifax Regional Municipality and being a thorn in the side of her negligent landlord.

Monica Bhandari

ACORN Canada Treasurer

Monica was elected Chair of New West ACORN and sits on the National Board representing BC. Since getting involved with ACORN, Monica helped organise her apartment building into a tenant union that successfully fought to defeat her landlord’s attempt to pass on a million dollars in building repairs to tenants. She now helps lead the fight to increase tenant protections across BC.

Bader Abu Zahra

National Board Representative

Bader is a retired engineer. He immigrated to Canada in the early 70s and since then has been involved in community struggles for social justice. After being encouraged by his daughter to join ACORN, Bader has become a committed member on several campaigns including affordable and livable housing and fair banking. He was an essential part of the push for a mobile COVID19 testing site in the east end of Ottawa. Since June 2023, he became part of the ACORN Canada National Board.

Nichola Taylor

National Board Representative

Since reaching out to ACORN to get help in fighting a renoviction Nichola has been a positive force to be reckoned with. Since being elected Chair of NB ACORN in June of 2022, Nichola has organized actions and rallies around NB ACORN’s groundbreaking Rent Cap and Renoviction Ban campaigns. In addition to being ACORN’s (and working class tenants) primary spokesperson in New Brunswick, she is also a representative of ACORN's National Board.

Vanessa Badger

National Board Representative

Vanessa is a Cree/Nakoda First Nations woman who has lived in the East End Calgary neighbourhood of Forest Lawn for 35 years. She is passionate about fighting inequality and racism in Calgary and is active in the community volunteer group Yethka Voices of the Greater Forest Lawn. Vanessa is also the Chair of Calgary East chapter.

Maggy Wlodarczyk

National Board Representative

Maggy lives in downtown Calgary with her son. She got involved with ACORN in early 2023 to fight back against the housing crisis in Alberta and across Canada. Maggy soon started leading meetings, actions and doing media interviews to increase the visibility of the issues ACORN is fighting for! She is also currently the Chair of Calgary City Centre.

Gary Rodden

National Board Representative

Gary Rodden got involved with ACORN when facing evictions and has turned into BC ACORN's strongest voices. A Sapperton resident, Gary brings his political savviness and calm demeanor to the New West Chapter. Gary was elected co-chair of New West ACORN in April 2024 and was selected as a rep on ACORN Canada's National Board in May 2024.

Vanessa Badger

Chair - Calgary East

Vanessa is a Cree/Nakoda First Nations woman who has lived in the East End Calgary neighbourhood of Forest Lawn for 35 years. She is passionate about fighting inequality and racism in Calgary and is active in the community volunteer group Yethka Voices of the Greater Forest Lawn.

Sam Green

Co-Chair - Calgary East

Sam first got involved with ACORN in the UK and upon immigrating to Calgary was instrumental in the formation of Calgary's East End chapter.

Diana Bliss

Co-Chair - North West Calgary

Diana lives in Calgary Community Housing in the NW of Calgary. She got involved in ACORN because every person should have good housing and there are no excuses for the problems happening right now in Calgary, in Alberta, and in Canada.

William Gillies

Secretary - North West Calgary

William lives in the NW of Calgary and got involved because of the massive rent increases happening in AB. He wants to fight for solutions like rent control to address not only his rent increase, but the ones happening all over Alberta.

Maggy Wlodarczyk

Chair - Calgary City Centre

Maggy lives in downtown Calgary with her son. She got involved in ACORN in early 2023 to fight back against the housing crisis in Alberta and across Canada. Maggy soon started leading meetings, actions and doing media interviews to increase the visibility of the issues ACORN is fighting for!

Linda Leger

Co-Chair - Calgary City Centre

Linda has been a low-income renter since she was 16 years old, currently living in Bankview. Linda got involved in ACORN after receiving a 100% rent increase and her involvement has since evolved to fight for effective changes to help all Calgarians facing issues with housing, food and utility payments and much more!

Chance Gillcash

Secretary - Calgary City Centre

Chance lives in the Beltine community of Calgary. He got involved in ACORN to fight back against landlords and for tenants everywhere!

Tabitha Naismith

Chair – Newton ACORN

Tabitha Naismith has been very active with ACORN since she signed up in 2013, as a champion of anti-poverty issues and both disability rights. Thanks to her tireless advocacy, BC ACORN’s Disability Rights Group won their first major victory on their End the Child Support Clawback Campaign. Tabitha currently lives with her two children in the community of Newton in Surrey, British Columbia.

Leslie MacFarlane

Co-Chair – Newton ACORN

Leslie joined ACORN in 2020 and became a key leader soon after. She is motivated by the belief that no one should be forced out of their home because of negligent landlords or to make room for luxury condos. Leslie has been helping to lead the fight to license landlords and crack down on slumlords in her neighbourhood of Newton and across Surrey.

Jeff Klassen

Secretary of Newton ACORN

Jeff has been a steadfast member of the Newton ACORN chapter ever since joining during our Provincial Campaign launch in 2021. Now active on a wide range of campaigns–from our Municipal fight to License Surrey Landlords to our Provincial push to Raise the Rates–Jeff is always the even-keeled voice in the room helping to bring the conversations back around to the big picture plans. After serving as Acting Secretary for a number of months, Jeff was elected into the role in April of 2024.

Murray Martin

Co-Chair of Burnaby ACORN

Murray has been involved with stopping Demovictions in Burnaby, since getting involved with BC ACORN in 2013. His ongoing efforts have resulted in the development of Burnaby’s Tenant Assistance Policy which included many of ACORN’s policy proposals. To this day this policy remains the gold standard for municipal tenant policy in Canada.

Monica Bhandari

Chair of New West ACORN and National Board Representative

Monica was elected Chair of New West ACORN and sits on the National Board representing BC. Since getting involved with ACORN, Monica helped organise her apartment building into a tenant union that successfully fought to defeat her landlord’s attempt to pass on a million dollars in building repairs to tenants. She now helps lead the fight to increase tenant protections across BC.

Gary Rodden

Co-Chair of New West ACORN

Gary Rodden got involved with ACORN when facing evictions and has turned into BC ACORN's strongest voices. A Sapperton resident, Gary brings his political savviness and calm demeanor to the New West Chapter. Gary was elected co-chair of New West ACORN in April 2024 and was selected as a rep on ACORN Canada's National Board in May 2024.

Michael Taylor

Chair of North Surrey ACORN

Michael joined ACORN and quickly rose to the challenge of helping to run a Surrey-wide Tenant Housing Forum and rally that got our Landlord Licensing campaign demands on the agenda at City Hall. Since being selected in May of 2024, he's led the way as Chair of North Surrey ACORN.

Patricia Harrison

Co-Chair of North Surrey ACORN

Patricia got involved with ACORN in 2022 to fight for Healthy Homes and Landlord Licensing in Surrey. She brought with her a life-time of fighting for social justice on a number of causes, and now helps hold Surrey landlords to account in her role as Co-Chair.

Christine Neale

Downtown Hamilton Chair

Christine joined Acorn in 2022 due to ongoing issues with the owner of the apartment building where she lives. She has had an ongoing LTB claim since 2019 and is still waiting for a decision. Another issue that the tenants of the building were dealing with brought Christine to ACORN. Affordable housing has always been an issue near and dear to Christine's heart. 'Rent or Food?' should not be a question people have to ask. Christine has been retired since 2018 after working at a law firm for 13 years.

Stewart Klazinga

East End Chair

Stewart Klazinga has been an ACORN member in the East End for several years. After a couple years of advocating for something to be done about extreme heat in apartments they proposed adding a maximum heat bylaw to ACORN Hamilton's citywide campaigns, & has been involved with the campaign at every step along the way. Stewart joined ACORN to fight for tenant rights in Hamilton & beyond, & is passionate about fighting for our most vulnerable neighbours & for the good of all.

Liz Scott

Stoney Creek Chair

Liz joined ACORN in 2021 after an organizer knocked on her door in her Riverdale apartment building. Since joining ACORN she has led Stoney Creek chapter meetings, canvassing parties, and actions at her building and MP and MPP constituency offices. She believes that basic human needs like housing, utilities, and food should never be unaffordable for anyone. Liz has also been heavily involved in moving forward ACORN's campaign on protecting tenants from extreme heat.

Hojay Byfield

Stoney Creek Co-Chair

Hojay joined ACORN recently, and is passionate about organizing his community - and beyond. A fierce advocate for social and economic justice, he truly believes in the power of collective action. He is committed to bringing the Stoney Creek chapter to new heights; every meeting, every action, every petition signature brings power to the community, and people power is how change happens!

Taylor Korolenchuk

Stoney Creek Secretary

Taylor joined as a member following a conversation with an organizer in his building's partially-flooded parking lot. He immediately jumped into organizing his neighbourhood headfirst, and is passionate about organizing for better conditions in subsidized housing. He has taken on a leadership role in advocating for climate justice for tenants and beyond, particularly for Hamilton's extreme heat campaign. He firmly believes that no one should be made to live in unsafe conditions, no matter their income level.

Jordan Smith

Chair of the Carling-Stoneybrook Chapter

Jordan first joined ACORN in 2021 when he needed help fighting his own abusive and negligent landlords, but quickly became an active leader in the fight for tenants’ rights across London. Jordan has helped grow London ACORN from the ground up and was elected by fellow members as the city's first neighbourhood chapter chair in Spring 2023.

Nawton Chiles

Co-Chair of the Carling-Stoneybrook ACORN chapter

Nawton has been the co-chair of the Carling-Stoneybrook chapter since June of 2023, and joined in the summer of 2020. Nawton has been active in a variety of ACORN campaigns, but his favourite so far has been London's landlord licensing initiative, to help get tenants the healthy, safe, and secure homes they deserve. Nawton is currently a student of computer systems technology at Fanshawe College.

Nichola Taylor


Since reaching out to ACORN to get help in fighting a renoviction Nichola has been a positive force to be reckoned with. Since being elected Chair of NB ACORN in June of 2022, Nichola has organized actions and rallies around NB ACORN’s groundbreaking Rent Cap and Renoviction Ban campaigns. She is ACORN’s (and working class tenants) primary spokesperson in New Brunswick.

Peter Jongeneelen


Peter - along with his partner Vanessa Jones - have not so quietly turned Moncton ACORN into a well oiled machine for building working class tenant power. It’s rare that two weeks go by without Peter organizing an action that lands ACORN on the front pages of New Brunswick’s newspapers.

Glen Harris


Glen joined ACORN in 2022 and quickly showed a passion to get things done, in an organized fashion, and was elected secretary months after getting involved!

Syd Blum

Acting Chair of the Halifax-Peninsula chapter

Sydnee, or Syd, joined ACORN in April 2020 after collecting 10,000 names on an online petition calling for a COVID Rent Freeze. She quickly became a force in ACORN and has been active ever since.

Heather Clark

Chair of Halifax Mainland Chapter

Heather joined ACORN in 2023, motivated by the housing crisis in Nova Scotia. Frustrated with the lack of tenant organization in her community, Heather took matters into her own hands. Working with existing and new leadership, she helped re-establish HRM Mainland ACORN as a place for tenant action.

Kwasi Asare

Co-Chair of Halifax Mainland

Kwasi joined ACORN in 2023 and became active in HRM Mainland chapter meetings right away. Kwasi works closely with HRM Mainland Chair Heather Clarke, is a mainstay at ACORN actions around HRM, and has a special interest in politics.

Brin Jones

Secretary of Halifax Mainland Chapter

Brin became active in ACORN in 2021 when NS ACORN was engaged in large fights for rent control and affordable housing. She lives in Spryfield and takes time out of her busy schedule to help the chapter stay on track in her role as secretary.

Tim Allenby

Chair of Dartmouth ACORN

Tim brings his activist knowledge to the table at every meeting and assists Lisa and the other leaders in the HRM in developing strong campaigns for housing justice. Tim was very active in Nova Scotia’s ACORN successful rent control campaign, and continues to help lead up the provincial housing campaigns in the province. He was elected Chair of Dartmouth ACORN in August of 2024.

Margaret Anne McHugh

Co-Chair of Dartmouth ACORN

Margaret Anne McHugh is a long-time organizer and activist in the HRM. She was active in ACORN's early days in Nova Scotia, is a committed rabble rouser, and was elected Co-Chair of Dartmouth ACORN in August 2024.

Lise Hachey

Secretary of Dartmouth ACORN

Lise is a Highfield Park tenant that has been helping ACORN get organized in North Dartmouth since 2021. A mainstay at Dartmouth ACORN meetings and actions, Lise was elected Chapter Secretary in August 2024

Marie Lourdes Garnier

Chair of the South Ottawa Chapter

Marie is a strong, francophone ACORN leader from Haiti. She has been a fierce campaigner for child care issues. She has passionately led many of ACORN’s campaigns since 2012, on issues such as minimum wage increases and community benefits agreements.

Ginelise Edouard

Chair of the Ottawa West Nepean Chapter

Ginelise has been an Ottawa ACORN member for over a decade. A mother of 11 children, Ginelise has made fighting for her Ottawa Community Housing neighbourhood a priority. She has also organized on other ACORN campaigns, including raising the rates for social assistance recipients.

Norma-Jean Quibell

Co-Chair of the Ottawa West Nepean ACORN Chapter

Norma-Jean joined ACORN in early 2018 after attending the launch of our municipal elections platform – the Agenda for Change. Over the past couple years Norma-Jean has quickly become one of our most active members pushing for justice on issues like the digital divide, low social assistance and MORE! Norma-Jean is currently studying law at Algonquin College.

Pascal Kakule

Co-Chair of the Central Ottawa Chapter

Pascal Kakule has been an extremely active member since joining the organization in December 2020. Pascal is a student and father of five living in Sandy Hill. He first became involved in developing Ottawa ACORN’s new campaign for municipal broadband. Since joining, Pascal has been vocal in fighting for #Internet4All by leading actions, presenting at townhalls and talking to the press! His aim is to influence more francophones to join ACORN.

Bader Abu Zahra

Chair of Ottawa-Vanier ACORN Chapter

Bader is a retired engineer. He immigrated to Canada in the early 70s and since then has been involved in community struggles for social justice. After being encouraged by his daughter to join ACORN, Bader has become a committed member on several campaigns. These include affordable and livable housing, fair banking and he was an essential part of the push for a mobile COVID19 testing site in the east end of Ottawa.

Meagan Wiper

Co-Chair of Ottawa-Vanier ACORN Chapter

Meagan Wiper joined ACORN after being frustrated with her landlord who neglected repairs and his tenants. Meagan quickly became an active member in the fight for healthy homes and has helped grow the organization in many ways – from doing data entry at the office, petitioning, phone outreach to other members to doing media interviews and co-facilitating meetings, Meagan has done it all!


Chair of the Central Ottawa Chapter

Eddy was born and raised in Ottawa and has been fighting for social justice since he was 18 years old. He joined ACORN in the late 2010s after seeing the power of grassroots organizing at first hand. He is passionate about climate justice because by building more sustainable communities, we can help not just our neighbours but tenants and workers around the world

Marcia Powell

Chair of Cooksville ACORN

Marcia was elected Chair of Cooksville ACORN in 2017. Since then, Marcia has pushed the City of Mississauga to enact a low-income bus pass and start a pilot program for proactive inspections of apartment buildings.

Alejandra Ruiz Vargas

Chair of the East York Chapter – National Leadership Representative

Alejandra is a housing worker originally from Colombia who has been involved with ACORN since 2015. She has led meetings and actions on issues such as. childcare, remittances, and employment insurance reform but her passion and advocacy on affordable housing, tenant rights and state of good repair issues is her passion.

Donna Borden

Co-Chair of the East York Chapter

Donna works in healthcare and has been involved with ACORN ever since she began fighting back against predatory lenders like CitiFinancial in 2014. Donna is a fair banking warrior, having led many actions against payday and installment lenders. She has also delivered deputations to different levels of government about the different ways the bank system excludes low and moderate income people.

Kelly Lalande

Secretary-Treasurer, East York ACORN Chapter

Kelly has organized her Toronto Community Housing building to win repairs and pest treatments! Kelly organized other tenants in community housing to win $10 internet a month program!

Marva Burnett

Chair of the Scarborough Chapter – National Board Representative, President, ACORN International President.

Marva is the Chair of Scarborough ACORN and the National President of ACORN Canada. Marva is a child care worker, and a mother. She has been passionate leader with ACORN since it first started organizing in Scarborough in 2005 and has led countless campaigns over the years.

Khadijah Al-Maqdisy

Scarborough ACORN

Khadijah leads other tenants in outreaches, meetings, petition signing, and more to win changes in the community. Khadijah is passionate about speaking up for rights and encourages her chapter to do so!

Sheila Prospere

Co-Chair of Scarborough Chapter

Sheila is a dedicated leader who runs tenant meetings and conducts outreach across all of Scarborough. Sheila has guided other ACORN members and tenants to win campaigns in their buildings!

Jacquie Mitchell

Chair of York West Chapter

Jacquie was born and raised in Toronto. She joined ACORN because stuff needed changing in her apartment building. She’s come to realize that change can happen with the right people, and that’s certainly the case here. She’s honoured to stand with her ACORN family and make changes happen.

Kemba Robinson

Co-Chair of the York West Chapter

Kemba Robinson lives in the Jane Finch neighbourhood and has been a leader in her chapter since an organizer knocked on her door. Kemba believes that landlords and politicians do not do enough for tenants, and that Toronto needs real affordable housing with proper maintenance. These beliefs have motivated Kemba’s work and drives her to continue to organize with her neighbours.

Marilyn Stevens

Secretary of York West Chapter

Marilyn is a longtime resident of the Keele & Finch community. Her involvement with ACORN started when she joined her neighbours to force their building’s landlord to do repairs and listen to tenants. Her neighbours elected her as chapter secretary shortly thereafter, and she continues to work to build people power in her community

Michelle Jones-Cunningham

Secretary of the Weston Chapter

Michelle ensures all members who come to meetings know their rights and what they can do to fight back and speak up.

Michael Cuadra

Co-chair of the Weston chapter

Michael has organized his building to fight their Above the Guideline Rent increase and win repairs. Mchael helps other members to speak and organize in the neighbourhood!

Marcia Stone

Chair of the Weston Chapter

Marcia joined ACORN in 2019 and has quickly become an active leader in her community and chapter. She believes that your postal code should not determine the quality of your housing and that’s why she continues to fight for healthy homes for all and on other important housing campaigns led by ACORN.

Peter D’Gama

Chair of the Etobicoke Chapter

Peter chairs the Etobicoke chapter of ACORN. He has knocked on countless doors in buildings, helping his neighbours fight back against greedy and negligent landlords. His advocacy has centred on the People Over Profit Campaign.

Rama Fayaz

Chair of Downtown Chapter

Rama lives in Downtown Toronto in St. Jamestown. He has been a member of ACORN and Downtown Chair for years. He has organized outreaches, actions, and tenant rights workshops. Rama has fought on all Toronto ACORN's campaigns and continues to represent the downtown ACORN members in interviews with with reporters, in meetings with city councillors, and more

Cristiano DaSilva

Co Chair of Downtown Chapter

Cristinao originally joined Hamilton ACORN in Hamilton in which he helped organize the Stoney Creek neighbourhood. After moving back to Toronto Cristiano organized his building on the Beat the Heat campaign. Whether he is doorknocking, fliering, or holding the megaphone, Cristiano is passionate about organizing!

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