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Toronto ACORN - ACORN Canada

Toronto ACORN

Check out our Toronto ACORN leaders

Alejandra Ruiz Vargas

Chair of the East York Chapter – National Leadership Representative

Alejandra is a housing worker originally from Colombia who has been involved with ACORN since 2015. She has led meetings and actions on issues such as. childcare, remittances, and employment insurance reform but her passion and advocacy on affordable housing, tenant rights and state of good repair issues is her passion.

Donna Borden

Co-Chair of the East York Chapter

Donna works in healthcare and has been involved with ACORN ever since she began fighting back against predatory lenders like CitiFinancial in 2014. Donna is a fair banking warrior, having led many actions against payday and installment lenders. She has also delivered deputations to different levels of government about the different ways the bank system excludes low and moderate income people.

Marva Burnett

Chair of the Scarborough Chapter – National Board Representative, President, ACORN International President.

Marva is the Chair of Scarborough ACORN and the National President of ACORN Canada. Marva is a child care worker, and a mother. She has been passionate leader with ACORN since it first started organizing in Scarborough in 2005 and has led countless campaigns over the years.

Sheila Prospere

Co-Chair of Scarborough Chapter

Sheila is a dedicated leader who runs tenant meetings and conducts outreach across all of Scarborough. Sheila has guided other ACORN members and tenants to win campaigns in their buildings!

Jacquie Mitchell

Chair of York West Chapter

Jacquie was born and raised in Toronto. She joined ACORN because stuff needed changing in her apartment building. She’s come to realize that change can happen with the right people, and that’s certainly the case here. She’s honoured to stand with her ACORN family and make changes happen.

Kemba Robinson

Co-Chair of the York West Chapter

Kemba Robinson lives in the Jane Finch neighbourhood and has been a leader in her chapter since an organizer knocked on her door. Kemba believes that landlords and politicians do not do enough for tenants, and that Toronto needs real affordable housing with proper maintenance. These beliefs have motivated Kemba’s work and drives her to continue to organize with her neighbours.

Marcia Stone

Co-Chair of the Weston Chapter

Marcia joined ACORN in 2019 and has quickly become an active leader in her community and chapter. She believes that your postal code should not determine the quality of your housing and that’s why she continues to fight for healthy homes for all and on other important housing campaigns led by ACORN.

Rikki LaCoste

Chair of the Weston Chapter

A relatively new member of ACORN, Rikki comes with lived experience in most of the issues that we fight for. Not only is he presently a Food Bank and Activities volunteer at the Weston King Neighbourhood Centre, but is also a Committee Member of the Canadian Mental Health Association's Green and Emergency Response committees. His enthusiasm and concern for his neighbourhood in Weston, North York, led Rikki to be elected by his neighbours to be the Weston Chairperson in December, 2022.

Peter D’Gama

Chair of the Etobicoke Chapter

Peter chairs the Etobicoke chapter of ACORN. He has knocked on countless doors in buildings, helping his neighbours fight back against greedy and negligent landlords. His advocacy has centred on the People Over Profit Campaign.

Ria Rinne

Co-Chair of the Etobicoke Chapter

Ria originally joined ACORN Ottawa, but after moving to Toronto she became a member of the Etobicoke chapter. Ria brings years of experience leading meetings and actions in her community. She has been an active voice in the media and has been an invaluable leader helping to organize effective local campaigns.

Rama Fayaz

Chair of Downtown Chapter

Rama lives in Downtown Toronto in St. Jamestown. He has been a member of ACORN and Downtown Chair for years. He has organized outreaches, actions, and tenant rights workshops. Rama has fought on all Toronto ACORN's campaigns and continues to represent the downtown ACORN members in interviews with with reporters, in meetings with city councillors, and more

Cristiano DaSilva

Co Chair of Downtown Chapter

Cristinao originally joined Hamilton ACORN in Hamilton in which he helped organize the Stoney Creek neighbourhood. After moving back to Toronto Cristiano organized his building on the Beat the Heat campaign. Whether he is doorknocking, fliering, or holding the megaphone, Cristiano is passionate about organizing!

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