Check out our BC ACORN leaders

Tabitha Naismith

Chair – Newton ACORN

Tabitha Naismith has been very active with ACORN since she signed up in 2013, as a champion of anti-poverty issues and both disability rights. Thanks to her tireless advocacy, BC ACORN’s Disability Rights Group won their first major victory on their End the Child Support Clawback Campaign. Tabitha currently lives with her two children in the community of Newton in Surrey, British Columbia.

Leslie MacFarlane

Co-Chair – Newton ACORN

Leslie joined ACORN in 2020 and became a key leader soon after. She is motivated by the belief that no one should be forced out of their home because of negligent landlords or to make room for luxury condos. Leslie has been helping to lead the fight to license landlords and crack down on slumlords in her neighbourhood of Newton and across Surrey.

Jeff Klassen

Secretary of Newton ACORN

Jeff has been a steadfast member of the Newton ACORN chapter ever since joining during our Provincial Campaign launch in 2021. Now active on a wide range of campaigns–from our Municipal fight to License Surrey Landlords to our Provincial push to Raise the Rates–Jeff is always the even-keeled voice in the room helping to bring the conversations back around to the big picture plans. After serving as Acting Secretary for a number of months, Jeff was elected into the role in April of 2024.

Murray Martin

Co-Chair of Burnaby ACORN

Murray has been involved with stopping Demovictions in Burnaby, since getting involved with BC ACORN in 2013. His ongoing efforts have resulted in the development of Burnaby’s Tenant Assistance Policy which included many of ACORN’s policy proposals. To this day this policy remains the gold standard for municipal tenant policy in Canada.

Monica Bhandari

Chair of New West ACORN and National Board Representative

Monica was elected Chair of New West ACORN and sits on the National Board representing BC. Since getting involved with ACORN, Monica helped organise her apartment building into a tenant union that successfully fought to defeat her landlord’s attempt to pass on a million dollars in building repairs to tenants. She now helps lead the fight to increase tenant protections across BC.

Gary Rodden

Co-Chair of New West ACORN

Gary Rodden got involved with ACORN when facing evictions and has turned into BC ACORN's strongest voices. A Sapperton resident, Gary brings his political savviness and calm demeanor to the New West Chapter. Gary was elected co-chair of New West ACORN in April 2024 and was selected as a rep on ACORN Canada's National Board in May 2024.

Michael Taylor

Chair of North Surrey ACORN

Michael joined ACORN and quickly rose to the challenge of helping to run a Surrey-wide Tenant Housing Forum and rally that got our Landlord Licensing campaign demands on the agenda at City Hall. Since being selected in May of 2024, he's led the way as Chair of North Surrey ACORN.

Patricia Harrison

Co-Chair of North Surrey ACORN

Patricia got involved with ACORN in 2022 to fight for Healthy Homes and Landlord Licensing in Surrey. She brought with her a life-time of fighting for social justice on a number of causes, and now helps hold Surrey landlords to account in her role as Co-Chair.

Explore the latest from BC ACORN

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