Ontario ACORN Provincial Day of Action for Full Rent Control

Vacancy control does not exist in Ontario meaning that when tenants move out, landlords are free to increase rents by however much they want.  This creates an incentive for landlords to push out long term tenants either through neglecting repairs or eviction. 

ALSO Doug Ford changed the rules so that now, in units built or rented for the first time after Nov 2018, landlords can increase rents as much as they want at any time! 

These massive loopholes in rent control are a huge contributor to skyrocketing rents across the province.

This is why REAL rent control is so crucial for Ontario! 

There will be actions hosted by all ACORN offices in Ontario. On the 16th, Toronto, Hamilton, Peel, London and Ottawa will all stand together for tenants’ rights!

  • Toronto ACORN:  777 Bay at 12:00 PM
  • Ottawa ACORN: MPP Jeremy Roberts’ office (1580 Merivale Rd) on Wednesday March 16th at 11am
  • London ACORN - 80 King Edward Avenue at 4 PM
  • Hamilton ACORN: Ellen Fairclough Building (Provincial office) - 119 King St W at 1pm

Email:  ontario@acorncanada.org for any other location!

March 16th, 2022 from 11:00 AM to  5:00 PM