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CiviCRM - ACORN Canada

Ottawa ACORN 248 Brittany Dr Tenants Union Outreach

248 Brittany Dr Tenants Union Outreach June 23rd 6:00-9:00PM

The tenants of 248 Brittany Dr. have been dealing with TERRIBLE treatment from their property manager for YEARS after having to live with illegal and invasive unit inspections, and being threaten ed with eviction when they ask for maintenance to come to their units.

That's why the ACORN Tenants Union at 248 Brittany is having a rally for their rights and delivering a GIANT N5 to their bully of a property manager.

We want as many tenants to be at the rally as possible so the tenants have organized an outreach action before the rally! Come out to lend your support to knock on their neighbours doors, flyer the building and reassuring their neighbours that there is power in numbers and that their management can no longer get away with this treatment!

June 23rd, 2022 from  6:00 PM to  9:00 PM
248 Brittany Dr
Ottawa, ON K1K 4R2
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