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report - ACORN Canada - Page 9


Big Bucks for Bank Execs, High Fees for the People!

Posted on June 25, 2021 This flyer shows how the big banks are gouging low-and-moderate income people and…

Posted June 25, 2021

Inclusionary Zoning in Toronto: What do people want?

Posted on 19 June 2021 Toronto ACORN is asking the city to introduce bold inclusionary zoning (IZ). Through this…

Posted June 18, 2021

Stop Renovictions in Toronto

Posted on 14 June This report is to bring the attention of the city of Toronto to the…

Posted June 11, 2021

Plateforme municipale de logement d’Acorn à Ottawa

June 11, 2021 English version Les membres d'ACORN à Ottawa croient que le gouvernement municipal a la responsabilité…

Posted June 11, 2021

Renovictions in Hamilton

Renoviction is the practice and tactics used bylandlords to evict or force out tenants under theguise of major…

Posted April 23, 2021

The Alternative Vision for Herongate

The Fight for the Right to Housing and No Displacement Posted March 24, 2021        …

Posted March 24, 2021

National Report on High Interest Loans

ACORN Canada report on a study focusing on high interest loans, especially those taken out online. Posted February…

Posted February 11, 2021

Rein in the REITs

Posted on 3rd February, 2021 The federal government is giving huge tax subsidies to billionaire landlords or the…

Posted January 29, 2021

Development for Who? The Community’s Vision for LeBreton Flats

ACORN is working to bring the vision for LeBreton Flats of our members living in the surrounding neighbourhoods…

Posted January 19, 2021

Toronto State of Repair Report 2020

Toronto ACORN's report on the State of Repair for 2020

Posted December 7, 2020

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