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report - ACORN Canada - Page 8


ACORN member testimonials: End predatory lending

Posted on December 8, 2021 This document is a series of testimonials of ACORN members coast to coast…

Posted December 8, 2021

Revising the Criminal Rate of Interest in Canada

Posted on Dec 8, 2021 This policy paper published by ACORN Canada, Momentum and Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) lays…

Posted December 8, 2021

Les locataires de NB à risque : l’absence de protection contre les expulsions et l’insécurité du logement

Posted November 18, 2021 Dans ce rapport, nous disséquons les réponses à l'enquête concernant le manque deprotection contre…

Posted November 17, 2021

NB Renters at Risk: The lack of eviction protection and housing insecurity

Posted November 18, 2021 In this report, we dissect the survey responses that relate to the lack of…

Posted November 17, 2021

Who Controls Toronto? People or Developers?

Posted October 14, 2021 Click to read on mobile      

Posted October 13, 2021

Herongate ACORN Official Submission to Planning Committee

Posted August 25, 2021                

Posted August 25, 2021

ACORN’s submission for the Federal Budget 2022

Posted on August 9, 2021 ACORN members submitted our priorities for the Federal Budget 2022.

Posted August 9, 2021

Affordable Housing – For who?

Posted on August 3, 2021 This document highlights the issues relating to the National Housing Strategy initiatives being…

Posted August 3, 2021

Ontario Top Evictors of the Year 2020

Posted on July 8, 2021 ACORN Canada filed a Freedom of Information request at the Landlord and Tenant…

Posted July 8, 2021

INDU report on Accessibility and Affordability of Telecom Services

Posted on July 8, 2021 This is the report by the House of Commons Committee on Industry Science…

Posted July 8, 2021

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