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report - ACORN Canada - Page 10


ACORN CAPREIT Tenant Union Platform

CAPREIT tenants have united to form the ACORN CAPREIT Tenant Union (ACTU) and launch a national coordinated campaign…

Posted November 7, 2020

Campaign to Save Manor Village

Tenant Testimonials Posted October 27, 2020    

Posted October 27, 2020

ACORN Tenant Engagement Report – Retrofits

Successful energy retrofits can specifically benefit residents of low‐income apartment buildings. Programs like TowerWise show that retrofits can…

Posted September 18, 2020

Hamilton: Defending Our Homes

Win municipally to end the housing crisis Posted August 20, 2020      

Posted August 20, 2020

Stand Up for Housing in Surrey

Posted August 5, 2020

État des locataires pendant COVID-19 – Rapport d’enquête

Posted on April 29, 2020 COVID-19 a changé nos vies comme jamais auparavant en apportant un ensemble unique…

Posted April 28, 2020

State of Renters During COVID-19: Survey Report

Posted on April 29, 2020 COVID-19 has changed our lives like never before by bringing a unique set…

Posted April 28, 2020

RentSafe TO – A Status Report

Posted November 19, 2019

Herongate: The Case for RentSafe Ottawa

Ottawa ACORN's campaign for a landlord registry similar to Toronto's RentSafe bylaw is based on over a decade’s…

Posted October 16, 2019

Housing Horror Stories: The Tenants’ Case for Landlord Licensing in Ottawa

This collection of tenant testimonials shows that the City of Ottawa needs to do more to improve housing…

Posted August 28, 2019

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