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CiviCRM - ACORN Canada

BC ACORN: Emergency Housing Rally and March–Stop The Evictions at Elizabeth Manor!

What's happening?

Tenants at Elizabeth Manor have united with ACORN to fight to save their homes. One of the last affordable apartment buildings in the neighborhood, Elizabeth Manor is under threat of demoviction, with no plans on where the current residents will go. The City of Surrey has not yet given approval to the condo high-rise project that is slated to replace these affordable apartments–but that didn't stop the developer from issuing eviction notices to the entire building earlier this month.

Rather than backing down, tenants have joined ACORN to fight to stop their evictions and demand Surrey commit to ending tenant displacement!

What can we do?

Tenants at Elizabeth Manor are marching on City Hall to demand that City Council cancel plans to demolish their homes until current residents are offered an affordable place to go. This goes beyond this one building–all across the Lower Mainland affordable apartments are being torn down to build luxury condo towers for the wealthy to use as investments.

How can we stop it? We need your voice. Join ACORN and Elizabeth Manor tenants at the rally and march with us to deliver a strong message to all levels of government: we demand action to END the demoviction crisis!

WHERE: Meeting out front of Elizabeth Manor (13265 104 Ave, Surrey) before marching to Surrey City Hall!

May 27th, 2024 from 12:00 PM to  3:00 PM
Elizabeth Manor (13265 104 Ave)
Surrey, BC V3T 1V3
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