ONTARIO ACORN vs. Michael Klein – Pack the LTB and STOP Renovictions! (Virtual)
In the months to come, 19 other buildings owned by Michael Klein will have similar hearings.
ACORN is working with lawyers and other tenant groups to join cases across buildings and cities.
1- Join the pre-meeting to learn about the province-wide campaign, what to expect at the LTB hearing and to receive the hearing link.
This is happening Mon, January 20th at 7PM. Register here: https://bit.ly/LTB221Melvin
2- Join the LTB hearing as an observer to support 221 Melvin fighting to save their homes.
This will be on Tues, January 21st. You must login by 9AM. Attend the pre-meeting for the link (if you can't attend but still want to observe the hearing, email ontario@acorncanada.org).
At the hearing, tenants' legal reps will make the case to join 221 Melvin ave in Hamilton with another Klein mass renoviction happening at 508 Dawes rd in Toronto.
This would be a historic first for Ontario and a game changer for renters across the province.
It would allow tenants to use evidence from other buildings, exposing corporate landlords’ playbook for systematically evicting low-income tenants for profit.
The PC government has failed to plug the loopholes in our rent control laws that allow bad actors like Klein to destroy affordable housing.
But we refuse to be kicked out of our homes one by one.
A fight with one of us, is a fight with all of us. JOIN US!