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CiviCRM - ACORN Canada

BC ACORN – The Peoples’ Platform Election Forum

March 28:
The Peoples' Platform Election Forum
Holy Trinity Church
514 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster

With the Provincial Election coming on fast, BC ACORN and it's members are inviting low and moderate income people from all over BC to come have their voices heard! The politicians are all smiles and action when they are talking to the wealthy elites, but working families in BC are usually pushed to the back of the line! 

ACORN members are hosting this meeting to make sure the voices of low and moderate income people in the province don't get edged out of the election platforms the politicians are running on. From Disability Rights, through Housing Rights and the Minimum Wage, poverty is a growing problem in BC. Come have your voice heard, and spread the word!


March 28th, 2017 from  6:00 PM to  8:00 PM
514 Carnarvon St.
New Westminster, BC V3L 5S4
Show large map
Landline: (604) 522-8706