
Canadian Human Rights Commission: Financialization of housing

The Office of the Federal Housing Advocate released a series of research reports that explore the growing trend…

Posted September 15, 2022

ACORN members’ testimonials on the failure of the Canadian Banking system and the rise of predatory loans

Posted on November 4, 2021 This document highlights how the Canadian Banks are failing to provide fair banking…

Posted August 29, 2022

City of Mississauga Inclusionary Zoning policy: What do people want?

Posted on August 8, 2022 As the city of Mississauga moves ahead and finalizes its Inclusionary Zoning policy,…

Posted August 9, 2022

Internet for All: Ending the digital divide in Hamilton

Posted April 6, 2022        

Posted April 6, 2022

Pandémie et prêts à coût élevé : Impact sur les personnes à faibles et modérés revenus

Posted on March 31, 2022 C'est dans ce contexte qu'ACORN a mené une enquête entre novembre 2021 et…

Posted March 31, 2022

Pandemic & High-Cost Loans: Impact on Low- and Moderate-Income People

Posted March 31, 2022 This report outlines how predatory lenders descended on moderate income communities hurt by the…

Posted March 23, 2022

The Demoviction Report: Ottawa

Posted January 29, 2022          

Posted January 28, 2022

Rent Safe in Mississauga

Posted on 30 December 2021 Peel ACORN won Rent Safe in Mississauga - this is a huge victory…

Posted January 18, 2022

Easy Financial Makes BIG Pandemic Profits!

Posted on December 9, 2021 This infographic reflects the growth of Easy Financial - one of Canada's biggest…

Posted December 9, 2021

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