
Ottawa Tenant Rights Council & Renter Rights Rally Kick-Off Fight for a Renoviction Bylaw!

Ottawa ACORN has been fighting for protecting and building more affordable housing since we started organizing in low…

Posted June 23, 2023

Waterloo Region ACORN Rallies Against Shady Investor’s Renovictions at 267 Traynor Ave

On June 18th, at 3pm, more than 50 community members from across Waterloo Region joined ACORN member, Maribel…

Posted June 21, 2023

NB Media Co-Op COMMENTARY: Reinstate the rent cap, because tenants don’t get vacations from rent hikes

NB ACORN’s message to the Higgs PC government is loud and clear: reinstate the rent cap before summer…

Posted June 16, 2023

Toronto ACORN Tenant Speakout at 5 & 15 Harding Ave

Toronto ACORN had an awesome tenant speak out yesterday in front of 5 Harding Ave and 15 Harding…

Posted June 15, 2023

RTB rules Bye Bye to an ARI in New Westminster!

Tenants at Skyline Towers in New Westminster were happy to see their broken elevators finally being replaced, only…

Posted June 14, 2023

London ACORN Carling-Stoneybrook Organizing Drive

The last two months have been very busy times for London ACORN members living in the Carling-Stoneybrook area.…

Posted June 13, 2023

Toronto ACORN takes action against illegal AC fees

On June 10th, more than 30 Toronto ACORN members and tenants of Rosebury Square delivered a letter with…

Posted June 12, 2023

ACORN members meet nationally to stop corporate landlords!

  ACORN did a national virtual meeting to stop corporate landlords. We had more than 130 members from…

Posted June 7, 2023

Ottawa ACORN’s Brookmill Gardens Tenant Union fights back and WINS!

ACORN members in Ottawa's Brookmill Gardens recently pressured their landlord to meet with tenants after a persistent petitioning…

Posted June 1, 2023

50+ Tenants at First Waterloo Region ACORN Meeting!

Last Thursday, 50+ tenants and supporters attended Waterloo Region ACORN's first meeting to discuss building power to hold…

Posted June 1, 2023

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