
Toronto Star: Banks are embracing apps and some restaurants now require a smartphone to enter — so what happens if you don’t have one?

COVID-19 accelerated a change that was already happening: a digital shift by businesses large and small toward e-commerce…

Posted September 8, 2020

Hamilton Spectator: What’s the point in buying furniture? Queenston Road senior tormented by bedbugs

Eloise Keene, a senior who lives alone, has been sleeping in a chair in her apartment in Hamilton’s…

Posted September 8, 2020

Toronto Star: GTA school boards race to plug ‘digital divide’ as kids prepare for school with or without adequate devices and high-speed internet

With the countdown to back-to-school on, boards are racing to make sure kids staying home this fall have…

Posted September 2, 2020

Ottawa remporte un nouveau règlement sur la gestion des logements locatifs et la lutte antiparasitaire!

English version here   En 2016, ACORN Ottawa a relancé la lutte de nos membres pour l'enregistrement des…

Posted August 31, 2020

Premières élections d’ACORN Lasalle * First Lasalle ACORN Election

Montreal ACORN held an election for the Lasalle chapter! Posted August 28, 2020 La première communauté ACORN LaSalle,…

Posted August 28, 2020

Global News: Tenant advocacy group calls on Hamilton council to implement bylaw to stop ‘renovictions’

A group fighting for the interests of local tenants says Hamilton city council needs to implement a landlord…

Posted August 24, 2020

Hamilton Spectator: Activists to call for ‘bold action’ on city’s housing crisis

Posted August 21, 2020 Housing activists are set to host a rally Friday afternoon calling on the City…

Posted August 21, 2020

Hamilton ACORN releases report calling for bold action to address Hamilton’s housing crisis

Today Hamilton ACORN released our report on Hamilton’s housing crisis at a press conference joined by Ward 3…

Posted August 20, 2020

Capital Current: City, housing advocates, landlords launch ‘blitz’ to move renters in need into 100 affordable units by October

The Alliance to End Homelessness, in concert with the City of Ottawa and the Eastern Ontario Landlords Organization,…

Posted August 18, 2020

Ming Pao News: 業主會狙擊租客團體示威 華裔房東訴苦聲討「租霸」

【明報專訊】經常為弱勢群體倡權、在多市組織示威的民間機構ACORN﹐昨天(4日)為抗議租客可能遭驅逐在士嘉堡舉行抗議示威﹐卻遭逢多倫多業主協會的對峙。 Posted August 13, 2020 【明報專訊】經常為弱勢群體倡權、在多市組織示威的民間機構ACORN﹐昨天(4日)為抗議租客可能遭驅逐在士嘉堡舉行抗議示威﹐卻遭逢多倫多業主協會的對峙。後者高呼小業主的權利也同樣需要維護。業主中多為華人﹐他們講述了各自遭遇「租霸」的情形。   ACORN昨天下午1時15分在輕鐵米蘭路站集合﹐然後一路高喊「不准驅趕」、「住房是一種權利」等口號﹐來到米蘭路夾401公路處一個安省業主和租客委員會(LTB)門外示威。   昨天在士嘉堡的LTB委員會門前﹐雙方發生爭論。ACORN方的人們說﹐許多人是因為疫情的緣故﹐無法交房租。業主協會方面的人們說﹐疫情下業主也受到各種經濟打擊。他們也是困難重重。不能把租客受疫情打擊的帳都轉到小業主頭上,這樣做有失公平。   昨天是委員會停止有關欠租租客驅趕聆訊數月之後確定恢復的日子。按照ACORN的行動計劃﹐他們是要「佔領和關閉」這個委員會﹐並阻斷任何驅趕租客的聆訊的進行。但當他們到達委員會門外時﹐發現委員會已經閉門﹐無法入內佔領。   昨天有20至30人參加ACORN的示威。但是當他們在委員會門外展開抗議時﹐另外一些人也來到現場。他們舉着的標語口號說﹐「為業主權利追求公義」﹐「當局不應支持賴皮租客」﹐等。   參加示威的業主中﹐華人居多。他們各自有一本難念的經。   陳姓女士說﹐他們購買房屋時﹐西人租客已經住在其中。當時買房子是準備讓大學畢業當醫生的兒子住。早在疫情爆發前已經和租客商量﹐希望他搬走﹐並將作為押金的一個月租金也還給了他。但租客將錢花了﹐卻不搬走。…

Posted August 13, 2020

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