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News - ACORN Canada - Page 111


Ottawa ACORN Fights Timbercreek Rent Increase at Landlord Tenant Board!

ACORN members held a rally outside the Landlord Tenant Board to support tenants of Timbercreek’s Sunset Heights apartment…

Posted November 13, 2019

Ming Pao News: 柏文租客指藉裝修迫令搬走 斥房東實為避租金漲幅限制 地產經紀:1.8%漲幅追不上通脹率 難為房東

多市東區某個出租柏文大廈的房東,疑似為了避開省府租金漲幅不能超過1.8%的限制,以裝修房屋為由,迫令租客搬走。 Posted November 11, 2019 多市東區某個出租柏文大廈的房東,疑似為了避開省府租金漲幅不能超過1.8%的限制,以裝修房屋為由,迫令租客搬走。租客不甘屈服舉行抗議示威,獲得當地市議員方卓怡(Paula Fletcher)的鼎力支持。   居住在洛根大街(Logan Avenue)245號的20多戶居民,以及東約克社區的ACORN組織成員一道,昨日中午在所住大廈外舉行抗議示威,抗議大廈的東主藉口要對大廈進行裝修,要把樓內現有的住戶都驅趕出去。   該大廈的東主近期換了新人,而新東主一直試圖要買斷現有租戶的租約卻未能得手,於是想出新招,藉口要對房屋進行裝修,把現有的住戶驅趕出去。   當這些舊住戶都被趕走之後,無論新房東是否真的進行了裝修,在招租新租客時,租金價格都可以成功避開省府的1.8%租金漲幅限制,可以謀取跟多的利潤。   有租客稱,新房東的這個做法,可以使租金價格翻兩番。而被趕走的租戶也會面臨租不起房的困境,因此呼籲多倫多市府和省府出面保護租客的權益,保證多倫多的經濟適用房供應。   多市市議員方卓怡對於新房東的做法斬釘截鐵地稱,「這樣的做法大錯特錯。為什麼?很簡單,假如你家要做裝修,你會不會全家都要搬出去,甚至為此要去另覓住處?除非是徹底的大裝修,否則你都會因陋就簡,繼續住在房子裡面。而現在這個房東只是做一些簡單裝修,就要把租客趕走,這一做法不對。」…

Posted November 11, 2019

ACORN tenant leaders give city councillor a building tour featuring mold, structural damage, exposed wiring and MORE!

Posted on November 8, 2019 Tenants of 2880 Carling Avenue held a petition action on Friday, November 8th…

Posted November 8, 2019

City Staff Go From ‘Won’t’ to ‘Can’t’ in Shooting Down Calls for Landlord Licensing

Posted on November 6, 2019 City staff are again spiking calls for landlord licensing and a regulation scheme…

Posted November 8, 2019

Doug Ford’s Fall Economic Statement claims its plan is working! BUT FOR WHO AND AT WHAT COST?

Posted on 7 November 2019 Ontario provincial government released its Fall Economic Statement yesterday with the overall emphasis…

Posted November 7, 2019

Radio-Canada: Le cri du cœur des locataires de logements insalubres

Les logements insalubres empoisonnent la vie des locataires qui sont forcés d'y vivre.  Posted November 4, 2019 Les…

Posted November 4, 2019

On more than 590 million worth of public land, Waterfront Toronto makes no commitment to ensuring deeply affordable rental units! Can we afford this?

Today, through an open letter, Waterfront Toronto, the government body with the mandate to revitalize Toronto’s waterfront, has…

Posted October 31, 2019

Radio-Canada: Les besoins d’un registre des propriétaire pour protéger les locataires

Les besoins d’un registre des propriétaire pour protéger les locataires Posted October 22, 2019   Cliquez ici pour…

Posted October 22, 2019

Hamilton Spectator: Tenant advocates argue against grant for Hamilton developer accused of ‘renoviction’

But city staff can’t be ‘super-sleuths’ by investigating how buildings become vacant before applications. Posted October 17, 2019…

Posted October 17, 2019 Internet and cellphone affordability on the ballot for Mississauga–Malton voters

Residents looking to elect government that helps reduce telecom costs Posted October 16, 2019 Residents in Mississauga–Malton say…

Posted October 16, 2019

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