Nepean Acorn Save Our Homes Block Party

Posted September 7, 2022

On Wednesday, August 31st Nepean ACORN kicked off the chapter with a block party and outreach event in Manor Village to fight back against the renovictions tenants are currently facing. Their property management company, Smart Living Properties, has been forcing out low and moderate-income families from their homes where many have lived for more than 30 years. They are being renovicted to turn the housing into “luxury student rentals”. Destroying more affordable housing and an entire community all for their own profits.

August 31st was the date set on the first half of N13 notices for tenants to move out from their homes in Manor Village. Tenants are NOT leaving which is why Nepean ACORN members organized this event to show Smart Living that members of the ACORN Tenants Union are staying put and will keep fighting the renoviction from every angle. 25 people came out to fight back against the renoviction and fight to save Manor Village! Members door knocked on the surrounding areas gathering support from neighbours to stop the renovictions, and held a BBQ and potluck back in Manor Village where there were speeches and a chance to stand with the community as we continue our fight to save Manor Village. Nepean ACORN members stuck it out through the torrential downpour and hail, waited out for the sun to come back and went right back to taking up space, because rain or shine Nepean ACORN comes out to organize for each other!
See the piece CBC did on the event.