Tom Page
Posted May 1, 2013

Like so many ACORN members, Tom Page first got involved as a member when a community organizer knocked on the door of his apartment in the Vancouver suburb of New Westminster.
The message of ACORN as an organization out there standing up for working families immediately resonated with Tom who has struggled for years living on BC’s Provincial Disability Program that has been frozen for years despite the skyrocketing cost of living.
Tom came to his first ACORN meeting shortly afterwards in the Whaley Chapter where members talked and planned action around tenants issues and other community concerns. Since those first encounters with an ACORN organizer Tom has become one of BC ACORN’s leading members and has worked on the campaigns for tenants’ rights, a national affordable housing strategy and fair remittance rates for working families. “I enjoy working with active and positive people who are committed to improving our communities and our world. Most of the challenges that face us would be overwhelming if we tried to engage them alone, but with teamwork we can make a difference” he said.
As an active leader in BC ACORN Tom is now taking leadership in starting to get a Living Wage Campaign up and running in New Westminster. By working with allies, helping build support for the campaign, and meeting with elected officials Tom has become a model of leadership in his community. Something he attributes to that first knock on his door from an ACORN organizer – signing up as a member “Then and there”.