Toby Jason
Posted May 1, 2013

Toby Jason has been a member of ACORN Canada since shortly after our founding in 2004. As Chair of Toronto ACORN’s Weston Chapter, Toby was a key participant in a record setting case against the landlord of 1775 & 1765 Weston Rd. in 2005, in which tenants won 250,000 dollars in rent abatements to compensate for years of unresolved work orders and back repairs.
That victory energized Toronto ACORN’s tenant organizing and helped build our longest standing and most successful citywide campaign: Landlord Licensing. Toby continues to be an active member in her community and recently raised $200 for the Weston ACORN chapter from the Lion’s Club by promoting her chapter’s hard work to improve conditions in the community. Toby was most recently involved in a community platform launch in September where Weston ACORN called on the next provincial government to get tough on negligent landlords and introduce new rent controls.