
Tabitha Naismith

Posted July 31, 2017

Tabitha became an ACORN member back in February 2013, when she was visited by ACORN organizer, Marcos, who asked her about her concerns for her local community. When her local chapter launched in Newton in May 2013, she was elected as chair and hasn’t looked back!

Tabitha has been involved in a number of campaigns, including fighting to end the child support clawback. She travelled to Victoria to have her story told in the legislature. The campaign resulted in a huge $13million victory, as the policy was scrapped in B.C.

In 2016, Tabitha was elected as secretary on ACORN’s national board, where she has had the opportunity to work with ACORN leaders across Canada. She recently participated in a call with the Ministry of Innovation about ACORN’s Internet for All campaign, fighting for affordable, high speed home internet for low income earners. In 2017, Tabitha made a great impression at her first national convention as co-mc of the member speak out, confidently speaking to over 250 ACORN members. She credits the skills she developed at ACORN leadership school for this experience. Tabitha attended leadership school in Ottawa, building leadership skills, developing the ability to speak the media, and learning how to lead an action. On her return to B.C., Tabitha helped lead training for members who didn’t have the opportunity to attend leadership school, to share her knowledge and experience.

Tabitha says her favourite thing about being an ACORN member is, ‘Being able to be a voice and advocate for others who may not have a voice’. Her focus for BC ACORN is affordable housing, ‘There’s a huge housing crisis out here. There’s a lack of affordable housing, not enough social housing or affordable rental stock’.