Lorna Smith
Posted May 1, 2013

In April 2011, long-time Ottawa ACORN member Lorna Smith (pictured right) passed away, below is a note written by another long-time member and friend Nadia Willard.
Lorna Smith was one of those people who touched everyone she came in contact with.
Her commitment to social justice was shown by the way she lived her life – she held a deep belief in right and wrong and always worked to persuade others of her point of view. She volunteered every week at a local food bank and could always be counted on to help her neighbours make it to community meetings, even going so far as to learn Mandarin so she could better communicate with her neighbours.
As an active member of ACORN, she attended meetings and helped when help was needed. She attended Leadership Trainings and participated in many ACORN actions in the City of Ottawa. Lorna was also a member of the Poverty Issues Advisory Committee for Ottawa City Council. She was thrilled to be asked to sit on this committee and share her perspectives and work for the things she believed in.
Lorna made time to be with the people she loved. If she wasn’t taking time to encourage her neighbours to pull weeds and plant flowers, she was taking time to visit her children and grandchildren and, oh, how she did love them. She worried about her children, as mothers do, and she talked with pride of her grandchildren.
Earlier this week Lorna passed away; she will be sadly missed by all who knew her. If there were more people like Lorna, the world would be a better place.