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Ottawa ACORN’s Response to Maclaren Group’s Policy Options Report on Housing Conditions - ACORN Canada

Ottawa ACORN’s Response to Maclaren Group’s Policy Options Report on Housing Conditions

Resource Type: Other

Ottawa ACORN members are in the final sprint for their campaign for landlord licensing. After convincing city council to include landlord licensing as part of the City’s “regulating rental accommodations” review, members have organized Tenant Speak Outs, days of action at City Hall, door knocked in bad apartment buildings, released reports, engaged the media and have met with the City’s consultants three times. The consultants from Maclaren Group have released their report on policy options for housing conditions and are asking for feedback before submitting their recommendations to City Hall.
Read Ottawa ACORN’s response here:

Posted September 10, 2019



Ottawa ACORN’s Response to Maclaren Group’s Policy Options Report on Housing Conditions

Ottawa ACORN’s Response to Maclaren Group’s Policy Options Report on Housing Conditions Download Resource