Victory! Anti-Demoviction March Pressures Landlord Into Cancelling Evictions in Surrey

Posted May 29, 2024

Victory! Surrey Anti-Demoviction March Pressures Landlord Into Cancelling Evictions.

One day after ACORN marched to City Hall to demand demovictions at Elizabeth Manor be stopped, WE WON! We got news today that the landlord has cancelled all eviction notices! Families no longer have to worry about being out on the streets or kicked out of their neighborhoods by the end of the summer.

Faced with mounting pressure from ACORN and the media, developer and owner of Elizabeth Manor announced they would be withdrawing all eviction notices until permits to redevelop the building have been approved by the City. This is a huge win for all the tenants who now don’t have to undergo the taxing process of disputing the eviction notices and going through lengthy RTB arbitration hearings.

But the fight isn’t over. The developer is still planning on going to City Hall to get approval to redevelop Elizabeth Manor, and Surrey ACORN is still calling on the the City of Surrey and Mayor Brenda Locke to urgently meet with tenants to discuss our concerns and ACORN’s proposed solutions to the demoviction crisis. But this is a major victory, only possibly because people got together to DEMAND action from people in power.

The people united will never be defeated!

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