Toronto ACORN scores huge win by banning evictions in social housing

Toronto ACORN scores huge win by banning evictions in social housing

Posted January 30, 2021

Posted on January 30, 2021

ACORN members living in Toronto Community Housing buildings organized to fight back during 2020. When COVID struck, they went into rapid response, demanding rent relief, emergency supports, and new sanitation standards in their buildings. But over time, the #1 issue that they wanted to focus on was the eviction of their neighbours during a pandemic and how to stop that.

Toronto Community Housing is one of the largest landlords in North America!

After actions, protests and meetings, ACORN members marched to the local TCH office in St. Jamestown to demand an eviction ban. ACORN members figured, if Doug Ford won’t ban evictions, then maybe the mayor and city council would. Turns out they were right!

At the council meeting in December 2020, Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and Councillor Ana Bailao moved a motion to force TCHC to stop evicting tenants. Since TCHC is owned by the city, this was within their powers. The ban will expire in March 2021, so ACORN members will contine to reach out to their neighbours, build power, and ensure that no one is evicted until everyone is vaccinated.

Send a message to your councillor and join the online action. Click here

We are are also asking the province to Shutdown the Landlord & Tenant Board – NO hearings, NO eviction orders. Join us


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