London ACORN Healthy Homes

Time to hold slumlords accountable: David Russell action in London

Posted July 26, 2021

Posted July 26, 2021

London ACORN members held a rally to hold the slumlord David Russell accountable. Members went to  David Russell Apartment Shoppe office and from there marched to the city hall to bring the attention of the city to the issues tenants are facing in the units owned by David. David wanted to disrupt the action but members didn’t stop. Members read out the demand letter and handed it over to David after which we left to march to City Hall while chanting “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, These slumlords have got to go!”. We then delivered our letters to the City Hall addressing the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the local city councillor.

David Russell has a number of units in London yet cares least about their tenants. Scores of tenants reached out to London ACORN and shared the extremely substandard conditions they are living in. London ACORN members secured a victory when the city removed from its website David’s advertisement attracting new immigrants to rent from their apartments but did nothing more to hold them accountable. 

This is exactly why London ACORN is pushing for landlord licensing. We need proactive inspections to hold these slumlords accountable! Sign our online actions here: 

City of London Hold the Slumlord David Russel Accountable!

Tell the City of London: We need Landlord Licensing!





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