Surrey ACORN Demoviction Report

Posted September 6, 2024

New Surrey ACORN Demoviction Report Details Shocking 3,800+ Affordable Apartments At Risk of Demoviction!

Surrey ACORN released a report today, crunching the numbers on how many affordable apartments are at risk of being demolished to make way for luxury condo towers. New legislation introduced last winter mandates that areas near transit hubs be opened up for redevelopment to build even denser housing. But what happens to tenants living in already dense, affordable housing in these demoviction zones?

The newly released report details a shocking 3,886 apartments near transit hubs now face an increased risk of demoviction, making up almost 30% of Surrey’s entire supply of affordable rental housing. ACORN tenant organizers highlighted how the fight to stop the demovictions at their Surrey apartment building offer a cautionary tale to what could happen to thousands more tenant families, unless changes are made at Surrey City Hall.

Surrey ACORN’s Stop Tenant Displacement platform lays out how mass tenant displacement can still be prevented. Read the full report here, and click here to tell Surrey City Hall that it’s up to them to stop mass demovictions!


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