Peel ACORN’s Brampton City Delegation

Posted July 5, 2023

On 7th June, last Wednesday ACORN leaders Tanya and Aiden led a delegation to the Council of Committee meeting held at Brampton City Hall. The Brampton City authorities recently passed a motion to affect a landlord licensing bylaw starting from 2024. However, this only includes basement rental units, and the legislation is unclear about how proactively the tenant protection bylaws will be enforced, as well as only including Wards 1,3, 4 & 5.

Our leaders gave a presentation on how important it is to include all multi-residential buildings in the bylaw, as purpose-built rental complexes often suffer a lot of neglect from their landlord in terms of repair and maintenance. They vouched to include all wards in Brampton for the program, as well as listing down proactive ways to enforce this legislation such as publicizing the reports done by the bylaw enforcement officers.

They also mentioned implementing stronger anti -renoviction and demoviction bylaws, replicating the legislation carried out in Westminster, and recommended a Tenant’s Defence Fund, as seen in Toronto and Hamilton.

We are currently scheduling meetings with the city staff to go over the legislation of the landlord licensing bylaw, as well as with Councillor Keenan to get some early legwork done in implementing a Tenant’s Defence Fund. A reporter from the Pointer was present at the meeting, and interviewed our leaders to publish a press report.

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