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Peel ACORN releases Affordable Housing survey, demands a strong Inclusionary Zoning policy in the city of Mississauga

Posted August 15, 2022

Posted August 15, 2022

On August 8th, Peel ACORN members did an amazing action at City Hall in Mississauga to call on the city to adopt a strong Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Bylaw.

The city of Mississauga is finalizing its affordable housing policy – Inclusionary Zoning (IZ). IZ is an important tool that can get us real affordable housing in at least some apartment buildings. It requires developers to set aside a certain percetage of units affordable. Thanks to the efforts of Peel ACORN and allies, the city tabled some changes to make the IZ policy better. One important change that the city agreed to consider was to extend the term of affordability for ownership units to perpetuity. However, the term for rental units were kept low at 30 years.

Peel ACORN conducted a survey which clearly shows the kind of affordable housing people want. Click here to read the survey.

At the Planning & Development Committee meeting on 8th August, Peel ACORN deputed to share our concerns relating to the current IZ bylaw and released the affordable housing survey.

ACORN members including Tanya Burkart, Sonia Wilson and Becca Cala did deputations. At the press release, we had our ally – Sean Meagher, who also spoke about why the current Mississauga IZ bylaw is still weak. A press conference was held after the Planning & Development Committee meeting at which many ACORN members were present and had the chance to speak to press journalists from The Pointer and Mississauga news. 

The policy is going for a final vote on August 10th. Peel ACORN will continue to fight back to make it better!


The Pointer: Advocates demand Mississauga take stronger stance as critical affordable housing policy reaches final vote


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