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News - ACORN Canada - Page 173


Global News: Tenant rights advocates want city to establish ‘Rent Safe’ program

Posted June 26, 2015Tenant advocacy group ACORN wants Toronto’s private rental properties to be inspected and the results…

Posted June 26, 2015

La troisième convention nationale d’ACORN Canada fut un grand succès!

La troisième convention nationale d’ACORN Canada qui s’est déroulée à Montréal la semaine passée (13-15 juin) a été…

Posted June 25, 2015

ACORN takes to the airwaves on CBC call-in show to talk about need for Fair Banking in Ontario!

ACORN members talk to CBC about their experiences with predatory lenders. Posted June 24, 2015As a key stakeholder…

Posted June 24, 2015

Burnaby Now: Silver Avenue development on tomorrow’s public hearing agenda

Members of the local chapter of ACORN gathered in Burnaby’s Maywood area to protest the demolition of affordable…

Posted June 24, 2015

ACORN Canada’s Third National Convention a Great Success!

ACORN Canada’s third National Convention in Montreal last weekend (June 13-15) was our best yet! Posted June 23,…

Posted June 23, 2015

La Presse: De meilleures conditions de travail réclamées par les nettoyeurs

Des concierges demandent au gouvernement fédéral - de loin le plus important donneur d'ouvrage de la région -…

Posted June 23, 2015

World Journal: 低收入租戶抗議 本拿比拆舊公寓

BC Acorn組織抗議活動,反對公寓樓在開發,導致可負擔租屋不斷流失,低收入人士流離失所。 Posted June 19, 2015BC Acorn維權組織10日發起抗議活動,反對本拿比市拆建現有舊公寓,擔心隨著廉價出租公寓的逐漸消失,本地低收入家庭將面臨無家可歸的命運,呼籲本拿比市府正視問題。 數十名BC Acorn成員和低收入社群代表集會昨日中午在Beresford St和Silver Ave.街口,高舉「租客亦是納稅人」、「租戶將何去何從」等標語,對該路段附近的兩個新高層公寓大樓建案表達不滿。BC Acorn成員高曼(Don Gorman)指出,近年來鐵道鎮附近不少老舊的矮層公寓樓被拆除,取而代之的是高層公寓大樓,導致租金水漲船高。現在Silver Ave 6380號路段又提出兩棟新出租公寓建案,若通過,意味著110個可負擔出租單位消失,數百人可能因此流離失所。 數據顯示,僅2014年,本拿比共有23棟出租公寓樓出售給開發商,其中14棟已經確知會被拆除並興建公寓大樓。雖然不少新樓房仍然出租,但每月租金從原來的850元提升到平均1400元左右。 「我們面臨的問題是本拿比很難再找到可負擔租屋,」高曼說:「解決住房問題的責任不能推卸給聯邦或省級政府,市府也應當做出努力,在審查土地使用規畫時深思熟慮。」***Article by 記者倪怡婧 for World Journal    

Posted June 19, 2015

Journal de Montreal: Un prêt de 180$ la mène à la faillite

Pour Amber, une mère monoparentale de six enfants, le cercle vicieux a commencé avec un petit prêt de…

Posted June 16, 2015

Halifax Media Co-op: “Somebody had to stand up to them. It might as well be me.”

North Dartmouth Tenants Town Hall hears litany of complaints Posted June 6, 2015Sparks were flying at last night's…

Posted June 6, 2015

Old Mother Hubbard: “Raise the Housing Allowance; there’s nothing in the cupboard!” ACORN members fight for a raise May 6 2015

Ottawa ACORN (Ottawa Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) members will focus this year on increase the…

Posted May 1, 2015

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