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News - ACORN Canada - Page 12


Chronicle Herald: Glavine should walk a mile in a poor man’s shoes

Posted April 15, 2014“Good health cannot be given to you. Individuals must take responsibility as well. At the…

Posted April 15, 2014

Muslim Link: Community Activist Michelle Walrond at CBC’s Human Library

Posted April 10, 2014“I had been calling myself Muslim since 1968 because it was cool. You know, Malcolm…

Posted April 10, 2014

Ming Pao News: Pro-landlord licensing tenant activists take to the streets – 租客怒吼 促房東須領牌 趁市長選戰開打 上街維權

 Posted April 8, 2014 English translation follows 為低收入租戶爭取權益的全國性組織ACORN昨日舉行集會,希望藉已經拉開序幕的多市市長選舉大戰的機會,向候選人提出訴求, 其中包括希望新一屆的市長班子實施「房東許可證」(Landlord Licensing)政策,以保障租戶最基本的權益。 昨日的集會於多倫多東約克的500號Dawes Rd.的一棟出租柏文前舉行。 ACORN 主席Natalie Hundt告訴本報,多倫多出租柏文的住房條件實在很令人擔憂,雖然政府一再承諾改善,但在該機構多年的極力爭取下,得到的改善相對十分有限。「若租戶不及時交租,房東就會趕人,但房東不履行職責維修及清潔的義務,則沒有政策約束,這一點是極為不公平的。」她說。 對本次市長候選人的期待,Hundt則表示,該機構不會正式表示支持某位候選人,但對現任市長福特削減「出租柏文大廈」(MRAB)項目資金表示不滿,「現在的幾名熱門候選人當中,只有鄒至蕙曾有類似保護低收入者利益的政績。」 參加昨日集會的租戶,約克大學單親母親學生Anita Ewan表示,像她這樣敢站出來挑戰公理的租戶並不多,因為很多人都認為他們支付的租金很低,所以不好要求太多。「我最初也是這麼笨,因為我是受政府補助的對象,可是這是不是代表我們就沒有人權呢?在冬天最冷的時候停水22天,我和女兒都不知道是如何度過的。」 柏文內的居民過去一年向市府提出逾300宗投訴,但居住狀況仍不見改善。 記者隨後進入該大廈了解情況,看到大廈公共場合的清潔程度尚可接受,但其內的居民表示,管理人員是因為知道今天將舉行集會活動,才提前突擊清理,以免被捉到把柄。 剛搬進來一個月的Susan Bassett就已經遭受了停暖停水的情況,她的一居室單位月租為895元(包車位),但住房環境難以接受。「我搬進來的時候陽台上到處都是狗屎,室內到處都是刮痕,樓下的公共洗衣房內洗完的衣服比洗之前還要髒。」她抱怨說道。 *** The national organization ACORN held a…

Posted April 8, 2014

Ottawa ACORN Marche pour l’accès numérique: 10KM pour 10$!

Posted April 1, 2014English version Harper a fait 45 milliards de dollars avec la vente de spectres d’accès Internet…

Posted April 1, 2014

ACORN Canada 10th Anniversary Reception

 It’s been an Exciting 10 Years! Celebrate 10 Years of Victories & Leadership Development Help Support:  Digital Access to…

Posted March 26, 2014

It’s Free Income Tax season at ACORN Canada!

Posted February 27, 2014Low and moderate income families: come to our of our CRA-sponsored free income tax prep…

Posted February 27, 2014

Ottawa ACORN – Volunteers wanted! Bénévoles recherchés!

Posted February 26, 2014If you live close (or even if you don’t), we’d love your help answering phones…

Posted February 25, 2014

Celebrate with Ottawa ACORN!

Ottawa ACORN's Annual Reception - February 28, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014Celebrate With ACORN! Annual Reception Feb. 28…

Posted February 3, 2014 ACORN Canada demands $10 a month Internet access for the poor

Social justice activists want Internet service providers and the federal government to reduce the digital divide in the…

Posted January 8, 2014

News 1130: Federal minister says child poverty not Ottawa’s problem

 It appears the federal government won’t be helping BC get out of the top spot when it comes…

Posted December 16, 2013

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