
ICI Radio-Canada: Un groupe réclame une réduction des frais bancaires pour les moins nantis

L'Association communautaire pour une réforme nécessaire (ACORN) presse le gouvernement fédéral de protéger les personnes à faible revenu…

Posted June 20, 2017

The Globe & Mail: Why shouldn’t a small levy help update our support for Canadian culture?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a page from Stephen Harper’s populist playbook Thursday and instantly shot down a…

Posted June 20, 2017

Tenant Day of Action at Ottawa City Hall! / Journée d’action des locataires à l’Hôtel de Ville!

ACORN members and allies from the OCETF, UNIFOR and Avant Law, LLP rallied in front of City Hall…

Posted June 9, 2017

Etobicoke ACORN is getting organized!

The new ACORN group in North Etobicoke started their organizing drive with a bang last week. Posted June…

Posted June 5, 2017

Toronto Star: Air conditioners can be a ‘medicinal tool’ but most living in Toronto’s older apartments lack it

According to a recent Toronto Public Health report, about 500,000 people in Toronto live in older apartment buildings,…

Posted June 1, 2017

$15/hr Min Wage Victory for Low Wage Workers // Victoire! Salaire minimum de 15$/h pour travailleuses et travailleurs à bas salaire!

ACORN members in Ottawa have been fighting for wage increases since 2008 so we're happy to see the…

Posted June 1, 2017

Ontario Budget Response from ACORN Canada President Marva Burnett // Réaction de la présidente d’ACORN Marva Burnett au budget de l’Ontario

While ACORN and our allies were able to achieve successes for low-to-moderate income people - some announced in…

Posted April 28, 2017

Metro News: New tax, rent controls part of Wynne’s plan to protect tenants and homebuyers

While advocates praised many of the province’s new measures, landlords were furious and political opponents dismissed promises as…

Posted April 26, 2017

CBC News: Bye bye 1991 loophole — rent control to expand to all rental units in Ontario

Rent increases for existing tenants can be no higher than the rate of inflation and capped at 2.5%…

Posted April 20, 2017

Toronto Star: New tax, rent controls part of Wynne’s plan to protect tenants and homebuyers

While advocates praised many of the province’s new measures, landlords were furious and political opponents dismissed promises as…

Posted April 20, 2017

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