
Journal de Montreal: Un prêt de 180$ la mène à la faillite

Pour Amber, une mère monoparentale de six enfants, le cercle vicieux a commencé avec un petit prêt de…

Posted June 16, 2015

Halifax Media Co-op: “Somebody had to stand up to them. It might as well be me.”

North Dartmouth Tenants Town Hall hears litany of complaints Posted June 6, 2015Sparks were flying at last night's…

Posted June 6, 2015

Old Mother Hubbard: “Raise the Housing Allowance; there’s nothing in the cupboard!” ACORN members fight for a raise May 6 2015

Ottawa ACORN (Ottawa Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) members will focus this year on increase the…

Posted May 1, 2015

Toronto Star: ‘I work hard and I still can’t make enough’: Toronto families struggling to survive on low-wage jobs

A Toronto couple supporting two children both need to work full-time at $18.52 an hour each to make…

Posted April 10, 2015

Ottawa ACORN members hold April Fools’ Day action on Inclusionary Zoning!

ACORN members in Ottawa held an April Fools Day rally at Liberal MPP Bob Chiarelli’s office on Wednesday,…

Posted April 2, 2015

Vancouver Sun: Bring fairness to remittance fees

Opinion: Canadians sending money overseas are paying more than people in other countries to send money to their…

Posted April 2, 2015

Ottawa Community News: ACORN demands housing allowance increase for Ontario’s disabled

Social justice group wants 20 per cent hike Posted March 23, 2015For Ray Noyes, $479 isn’t enough. The 59-year-old…

Posted March 23, 2015

Wages Rising – Ontario Minimum Wage Linked to Inflation

Kathleen Wynne announced a 25 cent increase to the Minimum Wage, putting the base pay at $11.25 for…

Posted March 20, 2015

Tell the Ontario Housing Minister – Affordable Housing IS Smart!

Update on ACORN Canada's housing campaign in Ontario Posted March 19, 2015Here is what is happening in Ontario…

Posted March 19, 2015

Globe & Mail: B.C.’s poverty-reduction plan keeps the single-parent family in mind

The B.C. Liberal government has, in the past few weeks, rolled out improvements to the province’s social safety…

Posted March 16, 2015

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