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News - ACORN Canada - Page 11
Ottawa ACORN LeBreton Flats


Montréal ACORN défend les droits des locataires à LaSalle * Montreal ACORN stands up for tenant rights in LaSalle

Posted March 24, 2021 English text follows Les leaders de ACORN ont défendu les droits des locataires du…

Posted March 24, 2021

Toronto Star: A new landlord ordered them out by end of March for renovations. These are some of the people who are staying put

Posted March 24, 2021 As the deadline to move out closes in on a crew of tenants at…

Posted March 24, 2021

ACORN Hamilton victory at City Hall in fight for healthy homes!

Posted March 24, 2021 Hamilton, Ontario - ACORN Hamilton had a big victory yesterday at the Planning Committee.…

Posted March 24, 2021

Hamilton Spectator: Busted appliances, broken cupboards: Councillors looking to protect renters with bylaw revamp

Posted March 24, 2021 Hamilton is poised to revamp its property standards bylaw to oblige landlords to keep…

Posted March 24, 2021

Global News: More property standards protection on the way for Hamilton tenants

Posted March 23, 2021 The City of Hamilton will be updating its property standards bylaw in the hope…

Posted March 23, 2021

CBC News: New rules will keep Hamilton units cleaner and safer for renters, city says

Posted March 23, 2021 Hamilton is beefing up its property standards bylaw so that landlords are responsible for…

Posted March 23, 2021

Hamilton Spectator: Hamilton poverty fighters target ‘predatory’ quick-fix money lending

Posted March 23, 2021 “Soul-crushing.”   That’s how Mike Lawson describes what it feels like to be caught…

Posted March 23, 2021

TVO: The case for — and against — rental licensing in Ontario

Posted March 18, 2021 LONDON — Earlier this month, London’s community-protective-services committee hosted an online public meeting about…

Posted March 18, 2021

Global News: Toronto ACORN Action to Stop TTC Overcrowding

Posted March 18, 2021 Toronto ACORN members want more buses in the northwest of the city to prevent…

Posted March 18, 2021

Ottawa ACORN members demand REAL Affordable Housing for Lebreton Flats

Posted March 18, 2021 Ottawa, ON. Central Ottawa ACORN members took a stand on March 16th outside the…

Posted March 18, 2021

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