Ottawa ACORN

Ottawa ACORN’s Eviction Defense Wins Tenants Patricia and Abdul a Meeting with Apollo AND a Hearing Adjournment

Posted February 10, 2021

ACORN members Patricia and Abdul were only given 10 days notice to prepare for their eviction hearing. They were forced to scramble at the last minute to prepare their defense.

Posted February 10, 2021

ACORN members Patricia and Abdul were only given 10 days notice to prepare for their eviction hearing. They were forced to scramble at the last minute to prepare their defense. To add to that, Apollo Property Management filed the eviction but the paperwork and all the information Patricia and Abdul were receiving was unclear and confusing with conflicting numbers and information. 
After Apollo continuously refused to properly communicate with them to clarify the situation, they had enough! Members came together on Monday at Apollo’s office with signs, flyers and the media to fight back on the eviction. Their collective action won a meeting with Patricia, Abdul and Apollo on the spot! 
The fight didn’t end there though, members continued to put pressure on Apollo and Apollo felt it.  ACORN members even joined Patricia and Abdul’s hearing yesterday to offer their support. Apollo reluctantly agreed to an adjournment at Patricia and Abdul’s eviction hearing, finally giving them enough time to get legal aid and properly prepare their defense! A big win for Patricia and Abdul in the battle to save their homes!
Why did Patricia and Abdul have an eviction hearing when there is an eviction moratorium in Ontario? The current eviction moratorium is much weaker than the first one, meaning eviction notices are STILL being sent and hearings are STILL taking place at the LTB. Not only that but the eviction moratorium is actually set to expire on February 16 in Ottawa, leaving thousands of tenants at risk of losing their homes during a pandemic!
If Patricia were evicted in the middle of a housing crisis she wouldn’t be able to find another place that she can afford on OW. She’d be out on the street with a baby and two other children in the middle of winter and in the middle of a pandemic. 
ACORN is calling on the province to strengthen the eviction ban, extend it, and bring in rent relief. Want to support the campaign for No COVID Evictions? Add your name to the online action here




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