Ottawa ACORN Marches for Affordable Internet – Keeping the Pressure on Rogers, Bell and the Ministry of Innovation!
Posted May 14, 2021
Posted May 14, 2021
Fantastic March for Affordable Internet Wednesday!! ACORN members hit up the duopoly – Bell and Rogers – AND the Ministry of Innovation, delivering our letters demanding $10/month high speed internet for ALL low income people!
ACORN’s demanding the federal government expand the Connecting Families Program to:
- Be universal to ALL low income people, not just families
- Be mandatory for all telecom providers
- Be no more than $10 for a minimum speed of 50/10 mbps to match the CRTC’s own recommendations
We’re also calling on the federal government to immediately create a $50 monthly benefit – Canadian Broadband Benefit (CCB). To be retroactive January 1 2021 to 6 months after the pandemic.
No one should be left behind when it comes to access to the internet, we ALL need it, it’s a NECESSITY! Time to put an END to Big Telecom and STOP corporate greed!
Shout out to our super leaders today: Pascal Kakule, Mavis Finnamore, Adele Farough and Geri Stevens and to the AMAZING ACORN members who joined – YOU build the power!
Missed the action? Keep the momentum going – send a message to the feds here
Save the date for our Internet Cafe Action at City Hall on May 27th at 12pm as we set up stations to use City Hall’s free wifi, making the point that if the City won’t provide us with affordable home internet then we have no option but to go to them to stay connected!
CBC radio (coming soon)