Ottawa ACORN Internet for All

Ottawa ACORN Kicks Off New Citywide #Internet4All Campaign

Posted April 26, 2021

Posted April 26, 2021

Ottawa ACORN members launched their new citywide #Internet4All Campaign last Saturday, April 24th with a big virtual forum!!
Great job by all-star ACORN leaders Ray Noyes and Blaine Cameron, as well as amazing new leaders Pascal Kakule and John Gaspard Mwarabu. Moving personal testimonies from ACORN members Ray Noyes, Norma-Jean Quibell, Pascal Kakule, Favour Nkanta, and Lorraine Pryce on the huge challenges they are facing in trying to get access to the internet and the burden that high costs of internet creates. 
74 people joined including Councillor Jeff Leiper and Councillor Theresa Kavanagh who both spoke about their support for the campaign, along with ally and guest speaker Shelley Robinson from National Capital FreeNet. Shout out also to ally from Toronto Bianca Wylie from Tech Reset who joined and other allies Nicole Picton from the Canadian Federation of Students, as well as Michele Pierce and Mark McCormick from OECTA (the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association).
Of course, huge thanks to special guest speaker Ria Rinne from Toronto ACORN for giving a presentation about what’s happening in Toronto with ConnectTO and what Toronto ACORN’s demands are!!
Join ACORN members at our virtual #Internet4All Speakout and share YOUR story about why affordable internet is important to YOU and what challenges you’re facing when it comes to access. The action will be on Thursday, April 29th at 1pm. Here’s the facebook event and the registration link.
Want to support Ottawa ACORN’s citywide fight for affordable internet? Add your name to the online action here
CTV News video:




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