Ottawa ACORN Housing

Ottawa ACORN Fights Timbercreek Rent Increase at Landlord Tenant Board!

Posted November 13, 2019

ACORN members held a rally outside the Landlord Tenant Board to support tenants of Timbercreek’s Sunset Heights apartment building (2880 Carling ave) during their hearing to fight an above the guideline rent increase.

Posted November 13, 2019

ACORN members held a rally outside the Landlord Tenant Board to support tenants of Timbercreek’s Sunset Heights apartment building (2880 Carling ave) during their hearing to fight an above the guideline rent increase. Tenants and ACORN members were calling for a decrease in the planned 5.4% rent increase, as well as for immediate repairs to the building and to units that have mould, heat, water, and electrical issues. When the hearing started, employees of the LTB called the police on tenants and ACORN members peacefully demonstrating in front of the building. The rally continued without interruption, and ACORN members gathered signatures to the petition in support of tenants for the duration of the hearing. 
The Landlord Tenant Board granted Timbercreek their unjust rental recrease and refused to listen to arguments made by tenants who had stacks of evidence including copies of water, heat and elevator shut offs and pictures of repairs that Timbercreek has supposedly paid for but are not complete! The ruling is further proof that the provincial government must step in to end AGIs for landlords who neglect maintenance as the deck is clearly stacked in landlords’ favour. But does ACORN ever give up when things get hard? NO! That’s why ACORN will continue to fight for tenants’ rights and will be working with law students to submit rent abatement applications so tenants who have suffered serious issues can get money back on their rent. 


Ottawa Citizen: Acorn members take rent hike protest to Landlord Tenant Board

CBC Ottawa Morning: Ottawa is proposing new Rental Rules

The Leveller: Squeezing Profits: Landlord and Tenant Board Grants Timbercreek 7.2 Percent Rent Increase




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