Old Mother Hubbard: “Raise the Housing Allowance; there’s nothing in the cupboard!” ACORN members fight for a raise May 6 2015

Posted May 1, 2015

Ottawa ACORN (Ottawa Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) members will focus this year on increase the housing allowance for social assistance recipients.

Posted May 1, 2015

Ottawa ACORN (Ottawa Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) members will focus this year on increase the housing allowance for social assistance recipients. Low income families have suffered since the Harris years and the allowance through the Liberal years doesn’t even come close to the market right.

Members, like Ray Noyes, who receive ODSP (disability support program), are allocated $479 on their disability cheques for rent. Ray, like many low income disabled Ontarians, has to take from his food, transit and basic needs (medications, clothes etc) to pay his market rent rates, leaving very little to work with. He considers himself lucky finding a $600/month bachelor in Vanier since he has been there for 10 years but most Ottawans living on social assistance are not as lucky. The wait list for social housing is about 5 years long, and most market rent apartments well exceed $479 a month.

We want action now from the Wynne government.  Members in Ontario are putting together the first stages of the campaign and seeking the minimum of a 152-268% raise in the housing allowance. We will release our new report on Wednesday May 6 outside the Ministry of Social Services.

Members pledge to rally on the last Friday of each month after May until we receive a raise.

When: May 6, Wednesday, 12PM

Where: 351 Preston, Ministry of Social Services

Why: Raise the housing allowance now

What: Action with lots of bare cuboards!

Who: Ottawa ACORN members, volunteers, and friends


For more information and to speak to Ottawa ACORN members in French or English contact the office: 613-744-7228, onacornot@acorncanada.org


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