NB ACORN MLA Tenant Pickets a BIG Success

Posted June 2, 2021

Posted June 2, 2021

NB ACORN continued with its Tenant Protection campaign last week with the MLA Picket Day on May 29th. 

Thanks to the  70 or so people who came out to their Conservative MLA’s office to demand the fundamental changes to tenant law that is required to End the NB Housing Crisis! 

What ACORN was demanding was CLEAR:

  • STOP EVICTIONS – No protections against needless evictions leaves every tenant in the province at constant risk of displacement.
  • RENT CONTROL NOW – No rent control means the extraordinary rise in rents we are seeing in NB will continue.
  • REFORM TENANT LAWS – The RTA review needs to start immediately, be comprehensive, and result in real change for NB Tenants.

The pickets were a great success and allowed us to show that we had the capacity to do multiple events on the same day.  

Saint John Lancaster MLA Picket at Dorothy Shephard’s saw a small but mighty crew of ACORN members!   The Saint John Telegraph Journal interviewed Sarah Lunney and took some pictures of the picket.  

Fredericton West MLA Picket at  Dominic Cardy’s had around 20 people out in support and was led and organized by Shelley Pitite who did a fantastic job at pulling this picket together! 

The first Montron picket was at Moncton South MLA Greg Turner’s office at 11:30AM.  Peter Jongeneelen and Haylee Cormier put it together, along with the Moncton Riverview MLA Picket that was held at Bruce Fitch’s office later in the day . Both pickets were well attended by both ACORN members and allies!  

ACORN is growing in NB, and good thing we are.  Only a select few are profiting from the NB Housing Crisis. Those same select few are represented at Higgs’ executive committee.  ACORN is fighting to ensure that working class tenants will have a seat at the table. 

Share our online action if you have not done so already: NB Government Needs to ACT NOW on HOUSING

Chapter meetings are on the Second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 – next meeting is On June 8th! Find the links on our linktree – https://linktr.ee/NBACORN




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