NB ACORN is more determined than ever to win after Higgs government says no to rent cap extension

Posted November 30, 2022

Instead of extending the hard fought rent cap that ACORN and allies won this last spring, the Higgs government in New Brunswick brought in quarter measures that put all tenants at risk.

That’s why NB ACORN and allies held a rally outside of the legislature in Fredericton this past weekend. NB ACORN was joined by the New Brunswick Tenant Rights Coalition, CUPE NB, New Brunswick Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, and BIPOC Pride Fredericton. Together, NB ACORN took a stand for all tenants.

The rally was a clear signal to the Higgs government that tenants are not shutting up and are not going away. Neither is his political problems fighting the very real housing crisis.

NB ACORN Chair Nichola Taylor got straight to the point. “The Higgs’ government had a choice. They chose massive rent increases for hard working tenants to ensure large profits for the few. Jill Green’s ineffective response to a very real housing crisis will result in increased homelessness and tenants being priced out of their homes. All that Bill 25 does is ensure that rents are going to skyrocket towards even more unaffordable levels in New Brunswick.”

The old guard in this province says “Rent Control doesn’t work”. What they mean is that rent control does not work for them and their wealthy backers.

All provinces surrounding New Brunswick have a rent cap. PEI’s is set at 0% for 2023, Nova Scotia at 2%, Quebec is at 1.28% for 2022. Even across the border, Maine tenants have a rent cap.

Are we to believe that the Blaine Higgs government has a secret about ending the housing crisis through housing supply that has escaped all other political leaders on the continent? Please.

In a live interview on CTV Atlantic AM, ACORN Chair Nichola Taylor bluntly asked for evidence that rent control does not work. The honest answer is that they have none.

The fight is not close to being over. NB ACORN will spend the next month preparing for the onslaught of rent increase notices tenants will get across the province. Despite the setback we are determined to ensure that New Brunswick is a rent controlled province.

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