Huge Turnout at the ‘Affordable Housing Townhall’

Posted April 29, 2021

Posted April 29, 2021

ACORN, and allies from Parkdale People’s Economy, Progress Toronto, and Social Planning Toronto held a townhall on winning affordable housing, through the creation of a bold inclusionary zoning policy on April 28th. Over 200 Torontonians attended to learn about inclusionary zoning, develop collective demands and make a plan to get more organized and build the movement to push city councillors to stand up to developers and implement our demands.
Inclusionary zoning is a policy that would require new developments to set aside a percentage of each building as affordable housing.
ACORN, Parkdale People’s Economy, Progress Toronto and Social Planning Toronto are demanding a bold inclusionary zoning policy that requires 20% to 30% of every new development with 60 units or more is set aside as
  • Deeply affordable
  • Permanent
  • Rental housing
  • In every part of the city
In June the city will have a final vote on inclusionary zoning, now is the time to get involved in pushing your councillors and reaching out to neighbours to build the movement for a city that’s affordable. People over profit!
Watch the recording of the event below, or on YouTube or Facebook 
Have your say on inclusionary zoning by filling out our People’s Consultation
And make sure to join ACORN’s Phone Jam on May 13th at 1 PM to flood city councillors offices with phone calls! Details here 




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