Hamilton Just Recovery

Hamilton Just Recovery Budget & Delegation Workshops – Oct 30 & Nov 3

Posted October 25, 2021

Posted October 25, 2021

The Hamilton Just Recovery Coalition formed at the end of 2020 to bring together non-profit and community organizations to work together towards a just recovery for all Hamiltonians.

The coalition is continuing our work to ensure the voice of residents are heard during the city’s budget process.

Join us for a workshop on the municipal budget and how to delegate to Council at the November 8th meeting.

Saturday October 30th at 11:00 AM
Register here 


Wednesday November 3rd at 6:30 PM
Register here

Any questions? Contact
ACORN – hamilton@acorncanada.org / 905-393-5734
Environment Hamilton – llukasik@environmenthamilton.org
HCBN – karlandrus@hcbn.ca

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