Exciting action against corporate landlord in Peel!

Posted September 2, 2022

Today, Peel ACORN did an action to expose Pulis investments. Pulis is renovicting families and forcing tenants to live with mice, roaches and dysfunctional laundry room. Tenants from 143 Main Street South  are being renovicted. They were offered buyouts, which strips them away from their right to return when the renovations are complete.
Members started the action with a protest at Brampton City Hall. Tanya Burkart, Peel ACORN leader, spoke about the tactic of renovictions that is employed by corporate landlords such as Pulis to evict long-term tenants and jack up the rent. Dawn, another new Peel ACORN member, who recently got a N-13 eviction notice and refused to take the buyout, highlighted the issues tenants are facing and the demands of Peel ACORN members from the city. Other tenants expressed the distress and  harassment that was caused by Pulis Investments due to renovations. Most of these tenants have been living in this building for over 30 years. Members then entered the City Hall and handed a demand letter to the Communications Officer of Patrick Brown, the Mayor of Brampton.

Members then walked to the Pulis office in Downtown Brampton and entered the building while chanting “Who are we? ACORN! What do we want? END RENOVICTIONS. When do we want it? NOW!” When members got to the front door of the Pulis office, the Pulis employees had been scared away, and were not present to answer any questions or receive the demand letter. At this point ACORN members were able to stick the demand letter on the office doors. By the end of the action the front doors of the PULIS office were covered with posters, and ACORN members chanted outside the office demanding for PULIS to listen to their tenants!
We had the Globe and Mail and the Pointer cover the entire action. Please check out the pictures from this exciting action!
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