Calgary’s City Council Takes the First Step to Address the Housing Crisis in Calgary

Posted October 6, 2023

On September 14 2023, ACORN and allies gathered at city hall to rally and speak in favour of the City of Calgary’s housing task force recommendations which would take the first step in addressing the housing crisis. The recommendations would allow for greater density in most of Calgary where it is currently illegal to build anything other than a single family home. Over 150 people spoke at council with 85% of speakers urging council to pass the recommendations.

The meeting lasted for 2 days and Council voted 12-3 in favour of the Housing Recommendations on the 16th, which though only the first step, marks a historic victory for affordable housing advocates in Calgary.

During the lunch hour break, ACORN, Calgary’s Future, Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, More Neighbours Calgary and the Calgary University Student Union held a rally in favour of the recommendations outside of city hall. Multiple NDP MLAs including Janis Irwin and Joe Ceci joined the rally to show their support.

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