Toronto ACORN Scarborough Demovictions

BlogTO: Toronto residents rally to stop the demoviction of affordable housing

Posted August 6, 2021

Posted August 6, 2021

Scarborough residents are fighting back in the hopes to stop what they say is the “demoviction” of their homes by a housing developer.

Renovictions” have been a hot topic in Toronto recently, and continue to affect vulnerable populations who rely on affordable housing. This seems to be a new development of the same vein. 

Tenants living at 54, 58, and 62 Glen Everest Road in Scarborough are at risk of having their homes destroyed by Altree Developments.

So, on Saturday, residents in the area took to the streets to protest the request to relocate. They have also created an online petition

“Families have been living there for 40+ years, now they’re having their homes destroyed to make way for an unaffordable condo,” the group wrote on the ACORN Canada website.

“We will not let big developers destroy our homes. We’re NOT MOVING. No development if it means displacement.” 



Article by Brieanna Charlebois for BlogTO


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