ACORN’s Renters at Risk report lays out the case for eviction protections in NB

Posted November 18, 2021

Posted November 18, 2021

ACORN’s new report entitled Renters at Risk lays out the relationship between lack of eviction protections and the severe housing insecurity that exists in New Brunswick’s tenant community. 

Access the reports here:   

English: https://bit.ly/RENTERSATRISK

French: https://bit.ly/locatairesdeNBàrisque

The report is based on a survey done by ACORN membership in NB’s tenant community. It manages to uncover the extent to which tenants fear eviction and how that fear has created a problematic power imbalance between landlords and tenants in the province. 

Here are some of the findings detailed in the report. 

Housing is unstable and precarious due to lack of eviction protections: 

  • 36.5% of tenants have been threatened with eviction
  • 43.4% of tenants fear eviction when making maintenance requests

NB tenants are transient: 

  • 81% of tenants have moved at least once in the last 5 years
  • 52% have moved at least twice in the last 5 years 

The report bolsters ACORN’s End the NB Housing Crisis Campaign which calls on the provincial government to enact rent control laws and eviction protections. 



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