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ACORN Members From Coast-to-Coast Gather In Preparation for the 2024 National Convention! - ACORN Canada

ACORN Members From Coast-to-Coast Gather In Preparation for the 2024 National Convention!

Posted December 19, 2023

On Mon, Dec 18th over 60 members met on zoom to get organized for the 7th bi-annual ACORN Canada Convention happening on Sat, June 15th- Mon, June 17th, 2024 in Durham Region!

Members brainstormed ideas for workshops, guest speakers, fundraising and targets/locations for the big 300+ action on the last day.

The 2024 ACORN Canada Convention will be celebrating 20 years of community organizing for social justice – so don’t miss out on what’s bound to be the BIGGEST social justice event of the new year.

Never been to an ACORN convention? Learn more with the links below:

Promo video:

2022 Montreal Convention highlights:

ACORN Radio interview with national leaders:

Meeting slideshow: Convention 2024 slideshow Dec 18_23

Interested in becoming a 2024 delegate? Register online here or contact your local organizer for more information:
