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ACORN MP pickets a clear message to Tax the REITs and save Canada’s Affordable Housing

Posted May 5, 2021

Posted on May 5, 2021

MPs across Canada got a clear message from tenants on May 4th – It’s time to Rein in the REITs. From the ridings of Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe to Vancouver Quadra – and 28 in between – ACORN held Rein in the REITs MP pickets and called for major reforms to Canada’s rental housing market. 

In the coming days and weeks, ACORN’s leadership in many of these ridings will be meeting with Liberal MPs talking about how we can make our demands a reality.   

ACORN is calling for the following: 

  • END the tax exemption for REITs and tie tax rates to the amount of affordable housing REITs preserve or destroy.
  • CMHC, the central housing agency, needs to put affordable housing preservation conditions on all financing agreements with REITs
  • Give non-profits, co-operatives and land trust organizations the right of first refusal on all apartment building sales and provide them with capacity building resources to participate in the market.

The time is now to keep the pressure – please share our online action on Facebook and Twitter.

If you haven’t sent a letter to your MP yet, please do so now. Click here

Thanks to all the members and allies who came out in support yesterday! Together we can save affordable housing in Canada and Tax the REITs! 



CityNews: ACORN Ottawa advocating for real estate tax exemption changes outside seven local MP offices

XFM: ACORN pickets Liberal MPs across Canada for affordable housing campaign

CKNI: ACORN Protests Against REITs

Insauga: Mississauga MP’s office target of protesters

Metro Montreal: Manifestation devant le bureau du député Emmanuel Dubourg

Burnaby Beacon: Burnaby renters rail against REITs

The Chronicle Herald: Protesters demand ‘more equitable housing’ in Halifax and beyond




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