BC ACORN looking to see increases is PWD rates in Provincial Budget

Posted February 19, 2019

BC ACORN leader Tabitha Naismith is in Victoria awaiting the budget speech today.  

Posted February 19, 2019

BC ACORN leader Tabitha Naismith is in Victoria awaiting the budget speech today.   
Tabitha’s main message to Carol James: We better see real increases to PWD rates. “We’ve been patient, we have shared our stories with them, now is the time for the BC Government to step up and increase PWD rates. Disabled people deserve a livable allowance.”
ACORN’s Disability Rights Platform 
Disability and Welfare Rights for Everyone who is Eligible 
  • Increase PWD rates to at least $1,800 per month, indexed to inflation 
  • Increase Welfare rates to $1,500 per month, indexed to inflation 
  • Review extended health benefits for people who receive PWD/welfare (prescriptions, physiotherapy, vision, dental, health) 
  • More access to health benefits, as well as better health benefits 



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