OPC and ACORN Canada Protect Your Privacy Online!

Resource Type: Internet For All

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner and ACORN Canada Present: Protect your Privacy – Online! 

OPC and ACORN Canada Protect Your Privacy Online! Handbook (Français)
OPC and ACORN Canada Protect Your Privacy Online! Workshop 1 Lesson Plan (Français)
OPC and ACORN Canada Protect Your Privacy Online! Workshop 2 Lesson Plan (Français)
OPC and ACORN Canada Protect Your Privacy Online! Workshop 3 Lesson Plan (Français)
Workshop 1: PIPEDA and You: Know your Privacy Rights and Protect Your Info Online!
The purpose of this workshop is to build participants’ awareness of PIPEDA and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s role in protecting their digital privacy rights. The workshop will further enhance participants’ ability to identify possible privacy infringements by third parties, direct and file privacy complaints, and better protect sensitive information online and on their mobile devices.
Workshop 2: Digital Trails: Managing your Online Reputation & Our Bodies as Information: Wearable Computing and Bodily Tracking Devices
The purpose of the first part of this workshop is for participants to gain an understanding of their “digital trails”, and recognize how their online activity has the potential to affect their personal and professional reputation. Participants will learn about strategies to responsibly manage their online profile.
In the second part of this workshop, participants will learn about how the human body provides a wealth of intimate personal information, and that evolving technologies have the ability to compromise their privacy.  This section of the workshop will inform participants about how wearable computing and bodily tracking devices can cause privacy concerns, and how to identify and mitigate the privacy security concerns that result from these technologies.
Workshop 3: Personal Information as a Commodity: How the Private Sector uses Your Online Personal Information & Who is watching you? Government Services and Surveillance Online
The purpose of Part 1 of this workshop is for participants to gain a better understanding of how some of the privacy protections they enjoy offline may not be present online. Participants will learn how to better determine the privacy risks involved in participating in certain online activities. Workshop participants will learn about private sector practices to collect individuals’ online information, explain website Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policies, and provide participants the technical “know-how” necessary to better protect their privacy in virtual space.
Part 2 of this workshop will give participants a broad overview of how government surveillance activities in Canada are carried out, and the kinds of information gathered by government through these activities. This workshop will also teach participants how to use the Privacy Act to access personal information that the government may have collected.


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